What's the best mid sized 4WD on the market

stan202, Apr 18, 2:26am
stan202 wrote:
Long distance road use. 5 % light four wheel driving, plenty of room in the back seat. Spend up to 40 k

Must be diesel

thejazzpianoma, Apr 18, 2:32am
So light 4WDing does that mean skiing and gravel roads! I am thinking ride height here.

thejazzpianoma, Apr 18, 2:34am
Also, I am confused here is the budget 24K or 40K!

stan202, Aug 27, 11:58pm
2004 to 2007 models

jasongroves, Aug 27, 11:59pm
Depends what you plan on using it for.
Some are good for some uses, and not so good for others.
You will need to be a bit more specific about what you wish to do with it.

t0ddles, Aug 28, 12:15am
Subaru Foresters seem rather cheap in that segment, but how much are you planning to spend!

jasongroves, Aug 28, 12:17am
Theres a reason for that;)

t0ddles, Aug 28, 12:35am
Ok, why do you say that, i know little about the cars and im sure it will be of interest to OP!

stan202, Nov 14, 8:05am
Long distance road use. 5 % light four wheel driving, plenty of room in the back seat. Spend up to 24k