Anyone ID this engine?

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mrfxit, Apr 3, 5:40am
SOMEBODY . gonna owe me some Woodys . Don't care who .

mrfxit, Apr 3, 5:47am
Yep around late 53 / early 54 was when the same early Humber 10 1300cc sidevalve (round body) become the 1st Humber 80 1200cc overhead valve.
I think it was the next body style that got the 1st 1400cc motor

tractor9, Apr 3, 6:00am
Nota Herald type engine, manifold and dizzy on wrong sides.

lookoutas, Apr 3, 4:55pm
Classic thread

mrfxit, Apr 3, 5:25pm
Yep thats a good pic.
The seller does have 1 important detail wrong, . (unless it's been transplanted) & that is the engine size, it should be the 1200cc because the 1300cc was a sidevalve.
The 1400cc MAY have been in the 1955 model but doubtfull as I am pretty sure they didn't come to NZ till later in the next shape body.

There is 1 proviso with my info, All the info I have is related to what was imported to NZ via the dealers & not from privately imported models.

rif_raf13, Apr 3, 7:23pm
Nor is there enough bolts holding the bellhousing to the block

skin1235, Apr 3, 9:34pm
can see I'm gonna have to scrutinise it better next time I'm up there, Dave will be feeling completely unloved if it cannot be proven lol
all his info ties in with what I've been able to find out - the donor was an early humber ( it is claimed that it was a complete swap all parts though - no hunter box bolted on to another engine ) did the bubble shape have a short shift!, I though they were all long sticks but then it may have been the first of the lower squarer shaped bodies. the previous owner did not build it, he got it as a running unit about 15 yrs back and vaguely remembers very few details, basically cos in the time he had it in use it never gave any trouble or reason to need to know what it was - turn the key and it went everytime - only after he parked it up that it got interfered with ( dizzy cap gone, radiator gone, covers removed and left to rot away) he recalled it was an early humber but (like dave) thinks it was earlier than hunter model
personally I think the hunter gear extension was more rounded and would ask if it had the removable cap on the rear like the pics show, I also think it (hunter) was shorter and had a bigger bend in the stick

chalkie51, Apr 3, 10:04pm
used to have a 1957 series one hillman minx, and fitted a remote gear change lever same as in pictures. Bolted straight onto top of box. Didnt have to rotate box to fit.

upnorth, Apr 3, 10:47pm
I'll go for 1964 1600cc Hillman Minx or Humber 80 or Singer Gazelle

2nd photo shows 3 main bearing block so pre 1725cc
Solex carb and the stepped end generator from 1960's
All synchro gearbox has bulge on left front so 1963+

mrfxit, Apr 3, 11:51pm
Thats because the later body with column change gearbox was already upright & the column levers were extended down the side of the gearbox.
The earlier bubble shape car had the column change box on it's side.
Can't remember precisely but seem to remember the early bell housing had clutch lever slots in both sides for left/righ hand drive versions

Yes Swivel, you are probably correct about the gear change extension because the later bodys could be had with column or floor change & perticulery the series 5 bodys which was the 1600cc (mostly).
Size of the extension should have been the same but the looks of the shape & castings may have changed, still the same bolt on setup tho.
Yep the early gear lever was the typical LONG lever & I remember that I couldn't find 1 "way back then" so modded a column change top for a custom lever.
Don't remember if the 50 to 56 ever come out with a floor change which would have made finding 1 even harder.from the pre 50's models or imports, could well be why I couldn't find 1 to suit

mrfxit, Apr 3, 11:57pm
Would love a peak at the speedo cluster (whats left of it)

mrfxit, Apr 4, 12:06am
Used to swap the front engine plates over on the 1725cc & earlier model motors to put the 1725cc in to the later Humber 80's

ema1, Apr 4, 4:08am
Hillman Super Minx or Humber 90,Singer GazellePossibly a late (1592cc)1600cccast iron head type engine pre 5 bearing crank version & gearbox with remote floor shift.
Rootes Group definitely, around 1962to 1964

ema1, Apr 4, 4:20am
That's a Series V Hillman Minx post 1964 and they came out mostly with 1725cc cast iron head though the first of the Series V had some "run out " 1592cc engines in em.
And like all Rootes Group engines leaked oil out the front cover past the oil slinger scroll type seal!
Good indication of piston compression blow by when oil leaked excessively from front of engine.lack of good seal control because they didn't have a seal .per say.

chalkie51, Apr 4, 5:11am
As\far as I remember the shift pattern was ok. 1stleft and forward, 2nd straight back, 3rd forward, 4th back, reverse right and backI

skin1235, Apr 4, 6:35am
just got back in from a nights shooting to find this engine intrigues you as much as me
will get a pic of whats left of the dash cluster when next up there
what year did they stop having the twin locations for the fuel pump, on this one it can be forward of the oil filter or under the dizzy
can't help yet with the gear pattern cos the shift is frozen, hoping it is only electrolysis between the ali cast and the selector rods ie diesel and a sharp knock with a leather hammer
we will get a definitive answer, and it will run again
as said it is on a blocking saw, the driveshaft ex g/box drives a shaft which has belts to drive the 26 inch blade, also has a spline on the other end of that driven shaft to accomodate another driveshaft which runs a tapered corkscrew splitter ( imagine you'd need to be in a lower gear for that - and possibly have access to reverse), the hydraulic clutch on there is seized in the master and slave and will be replaced with an armstrong - big bar with pivots in the right places - probably moved further back so can reach the g/lever with ease while operating and will be on the splitter side
love these old odd finds, love the price paid for it too ( nil) and it will run again, a coat of good hard paint, a smaller fuel tank - looks like a lump of 12 inch tube about 4 ft long with ends welded in, the original fuel sensor is mounted on it

skin1235, Apr 4, 6:44am
somebody spent some good coin and time building it, is on a good heavy box section chassis, with light truck springs under it ( at least 10 leaves), has had landrover hubs fitted to the heavy box axle, running 3/4 tread 16 inch triple tractions on landrover 5 stud rims, thinking aloud, the fuel tank was probably from the truck that donated the springs
have a spare 2ltr hilux kit to fit if all fails, will be fitting the rad from that anyway, but still confident that the 'humber' will do another turn or two yet, will be a lot cheaper to run than a hilux 2ltrfor a start and assuming it was built like it was to be capable of doing the job it was built for can't see any reason to be clipping a bigger motor to it

skin1235, Apr 4, 6:48am
my post 37 re long stick, realise now they didn't, they were column change, the long floor stick was on the bigger engines and earlier too, pre hawk and snipe/ super snipe days

mrfxit, Apr 4, 3:28pm
Gear selector will be rusted on the selector shaft as it goes through the guides at the mid/front section of the housing.
It's an open casting between the mid/front & back sections with just a tin cover screwed on (same as the back cover.)

Yea I think the last of the long stick gear levers was Pre 50 / 48 models

Couldn't remember where the engine number was but the web link I placed above, has details of where to find it & the code translations.

skin1235, Apr 16, 8:35pm
got it, 1959Singer Gazelle Series 111A
C.K.D. medium compression , export, saloon, standard options

B7090706 M W S O

mrfxit, Apr 16, 8:47pm
MMmmmm sweet.
Tho still a little surprised because of the air cleaner type & the alloy crank nut.
Can't remember the later series having a crank handle facility
Arrhh yes & an image search shows the crank handle hole in the bumper even on the series 3c

mrfxit, Nov 8, 5:05am
LOL same site I spotted
That also explains the gearbox & shifter assembly being so close to the Hunter style.

Blimin parts were simply VERY interchangable over a large range of models.