Dashboard lights?

bruceeeeee, Apr 15, 1:33am
That kind of repair can be fairly expensive on your 2011 Aston Martin.

dent, Apr 15, 2:09am
are you sure it has a fuel light!

alimac1, Apr 15, 2:20am
How do you get your tank under empty!

jono2912, Apr 15, 6:01am
Have you checked the bulb!

fiatracer, Apr 15, 5:57pm
are you sure it doesn't work! the markings on the guage are just painted markings - they could mean "about to run out", "likely to run out in next 3 days", or "will run out sometime, but will probably go for another 100km".Have you kept on going to see if it comes on!

fiatracer, Apr 15, 6:06pm
so you cannot confirm absolutely that it got low enough to trigger the warning light - that's the point I am trying to make. I don't know these cars, but in my car the light comes on really early, in some older cars [fiats, for eg] blasting around a corner will trigger the light with 1/3 of a tank still in there. they all differ

luxy, Apr 15, 6:10pm
put a can of fuel in the boot and drive the car til you run out. I bet the guage is not accurate and the light will come on at some stage

jasongroves, Apr 15, 7:54pm
Remove the instrument cluster and check the bulb.
Easiest way to check is to swap it with a known working bulb.
The cluster is a lot easier to remove than it looks;)

NZTools, Apr 15, 8:09pm
The point everyone is trying to make, is that fuel gauges are NOT accurate. If you want to be really sure the light is not working, put full petrol container in the boot, and drive the car till it stops. Then you still have enough fuel to get home. It is more likely that the little float in the tank is stuck than the bulb is blown.