Hi there is there anyway of converting a jsapanese GPS and TV system into English,
Apr 7, 12:13am
short answer = no
Apr 7, 12:17am
Yeah thats what I thought. Thanks.
Apr 7, 12:17am
and before someone says it: NO there is not any differences between northern hemisphere GPS and southern hemisphere GPS, its purely a software issue with these japanese units
Apr 7, 5:51am
And if the dealer said it could be converted or there was a magic disk available for it, go back to them. Any dealer who omits that you have a useless screen showing Japanese letters and the time in tokyo on your dash is just screwing you over. If they claim that you can get a disk to make it work here, they are outright lying to you.
Apr 7, 5:57am
+1, bloody oath.The amount of times that this question gets asked on here suggests that dealers are not being honest or avoiding saying anything about the fact that a large feature of a car is almost useless in NZ due to it all being in Yappaneesy.They shouldn't be importing this stuff IMO, although I suppose if you are lucky you can rip it all out and get a double DIN stereo in there and make it look tidy.In some cars it would be a nightmare, especially those where the damn heater controls are all part of it!
Apr 7, 7:35am
I wouldn't touch a car with one which was an essential part of the car. When we looked at Tiidas we saw one with all that fancy stuff in it but I dont want a bar of it. Basic is often better. Im surprised that after so many years of making the damn things the Japanese havnt thought to make them international or at least outsource the software to some company who is willing to update regulary
Apr 7, 2:50pm
Gawd.I'm glad I read this, looking at a couple of cars this weekend and being a girl, wanted one of those fancy things, never crossed my mind it would be useless.Cheers.B- ren
Apr 7, 3:23pm
most have a gps incorporated in the display screen, and yes the gps is useless here in nz, but there are many other functions in that display screen too like fuel consumption, engine temps, cabin temps, heater routing displays, engine management and monitors with alarms etc, and they are perfectly easy to understand, they are a damn good source of info for the driver while driving, mitsi for instance have no engine temp gauge on the dash and have a very basic oil pressure light in one obscure corner of the dash, the onscreen system has a full readout of those things and the system constantly monitors them, it will flash a warning as soon as they change beyond normal parameters, ie driver will know something is different and be able to react before damage is done, brake behaviour and service intervals is also onscreen for the shallow ones who want the entertainment value of the talking gps and rip out the onboard system in favour of an english speaking system, do they really think thay are doing themselves a service!, or do they simple not care that they have disabled a huge part of the functioning system
Apr 8, 1:20am
At a guess - they would have the right to hear the salesman say "I never said that". Kaz excluded, as I don't think he would say that.
Apr 8, 1:39am
My Subaru has one of those screens that display the heater settings down the LH side. So I cut a piece of black vinyl to cover the unneeded screen area that had the illegible symbols on it, that I didn't want to see.
Apr 8, 2:23am
we have an altezzza , most people we know with the altezza get them removed, it was obviously used to gps and tv, would it just be better to get it removed!
Apr 8, 2:24am
oh and the sales man was up front ans honest with us, he said it wouldjust be better to get it removed, if it was annoying us that is
Oct 10, 7:12am
There isn't any real reason to remove it unless you want to use the space for a better stereo
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