Noise on the left

mumngrl, Apr 6, 2:29am
What would be causing me to be hearing the front left wheel turning,like bump bump bump! I only got a warrant last week

johnn, Apr 6, 2:32am
You ran over the WOF label backing paper as you left the testing workshop,& every time the wheel goes around you can hear it.

xacoon, Apr 6, 2:32am
its the mechanic caught in the brakes. just reverse up and slam on the brakes, that should shut him up

yogibearz, Apr 6, 2:33am
is there something like a screw or foreign matter stuck on the wheel/tyre causing a bumping noise as the wheel rotates !

mumngrl, Apr 6, 2:56am
I wish i did take out the mechanic!
I was thinking maybe my balance is out

skin1235, Apr 6, 3:22am
bumping would be more likely a separated tyre and what you can feel is the resulting bulge
get it checked in the morning, the next stage is for it to blow out, not fun if in the wrong place, not fun in the right place either

skin1235, Apr 6, 3:23am
classic!, perhaps your balance is not out at all, he could be a good catch

blackdotlova, Oct 5, 4:18pm
open door push wife out = noise gone