went to go back up my drive this afternoon and the darned thing was all engine noise and no reverse, well very little, reverses ok at idle, give it some revs and bugger all happens, was on the flat ground too, everything is falling apart arrrggghhhh
Mar 29, 12:38am
what surf ln130!
Mar 29, 12:38am
Mar 29, 12:41am
i got the same but manual. i myght sell it soon.
Mar 29, 12:54am
mind you nother auto box is 5 600$ on here.did you try low range reverse! for a test.
Mar 29, 2:04am
I bet the transmission fluid filter is clogged, change that before changing the transmission.
Mar 29, 3:06am
I picked up a '92 V6 auto surf, the transmission had been flushed and fluid replaced but they didn't bother to change the filter - the problem (lost all drive after 2-5 mins) was still there. I dropped the pan and used a degreasing gun to clean out the metal filter, replaced it and refilled with more fresh fluid and it was just like new again. I too was going to swap in another transmission. Just as well I didn't, as I only made peanuts on the Surf, definitely wouldn't have been worth it had I changed the trans.
Mar 29, 4:15am
goes no worries in forward gears, just lacking in reverse, will try the filter as the 1st step
Oct 10, 6:07pm
just a question, did you fix the reverse problem?
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