Hi looking to buy a used SUV. Want one that is more economical than my commie and a good family wagon. Have no idea what to get. Looking at a wizard or terrano at the mo. budget about $8k. Can anyone give me any advise on what I should get! Thanks
Mar 21, 1:29am
you'd get a good kzn130 surf for that or a reasonable kzn185
Mar 21, 1:30am
nissan safaris are a good vehicle, may be a bit big tho. not sure if they are classed as an SUV. but they are a capable vehicle, go anywhere, tow anything pretty much and available in 5 or 7 seaters
Mar 21, 1:34am
Yep they are great vehicles my hubby has one and we are selling it as he has just bought a L200. Good vehicles but they are guttless and seem to rust. Looking for something bit more modern.
Mar 21, 1:37am
they do tend to rust a fair bit, definately not gutless in the 4.2l diesel tho. but as mentioned above, the surfs are a good vehicle
Mar 21, 1:48am
Arghhh for goodness sake don't buy a Wizard, especially a 3.0 diesel, they are amongst the most dreadful engines in history, with many design faults.Latish model (as in post '96) diesel Terranos/Pathfinders have turned into big money pits as well for some people.The fuel costs for your Commodore are nothing compared to having to keep some of this late model diesel stuff in repairs and maintenance and roadusers and tyres and overhauled pumps and injectors and turbos and transmissions and cracked heads and.!You don't want to know, keep the Holden.
Mar 21, 1:54am
So what would you recommend in the suv dept! Forgot to mention my commie is insanly low with a clubsport kit on it and Im sick of not being able to get up peoples driveways! Alos live in the country with dirt roads and flood often so would like to be able to get through those.
Mar 21, 1:55am
jezz43 - drove my hubbies one today and thought it was gonna stop going up a hill was so slow! lol but then hard to judge when im used to a commie :-)
Mar 21, 1:57am
Thats easy, standard suspension, rip off the bodykit and maybe fit a limited slip diff!I'm being serious, don't buy an 4x4 unless you really need one.
Mar 21, 2:00am
Cant be all that bad can they! wouldnt be keen on owning another holden again. Look nice and nice ride but cost a fortune to repair them and they pretty crappy made. have had two now and same silly things happen to them like glove box braking, windows braking, arial braking, door handles braking etc etc and so exspensive to fix. $150 bucks for a door handle not painted! And thats second hand! lol
Mar 21, 2:12am
sounds like you got ripped off to me, a second hand door handle for anything shouldn't cost $150, I presume that price was fitted!If you doubt what I say about Wizards, speak to someone who has owned one, or a diesel specialist.
Mar 21, 2:25am
na mate i doubting you this what i wanting to find out what people think! What would you recommend though. i do struggle to believe all suvs no good
Mar 21, 2:52am
depends on size you are after if you are not wanting something too big maybe a petrol Honda CRV or a Rav4 also depends on your price range a hilux surf would be my pick but they command a high price for diesel models other wise a V6 surf! Bighorns Terranos Wizards Mu's are trouble well most of them
Mar 21, 2:59am
O.K well with that in mind I think a Volvo XC70 might be just the ticket. Sure you will have to be careful to get a good one in your price range, avoid anything ex-singapore, and be a bit particular about where you get your parts from to make sure you get a good deal.
But the flip side is you get a seriously nice car with all the nice bits, thats quiet, sensible on gas, safe, nice to drive and does a lovely job of what you use it most for. which is everyday driving.
Mar 21, 4:04am
Yep an XC70 could be a goer and the Audi Allroads seem to be quite cheap now. Otherwise if you can live with a petrol SUV go for a mid-late 1990s grand Cherokee, decent ones can be picked up for 4 grand with all the bells and whistles, one of the better 4wds off road and pretty much bullet proof. And yep despitecommon myth already spouted in here the 4.2 non turbo Patrols are horribly gutless under their own weight. Yeah they'll tow most things but you'll need to put aside a day for anything heavy over hilly roads and pull ovr when a 50t truck and trailer catches you.
Mar 21, 4:12am
Haha chris so true. Awesome wagons dont get me wrong as they are bullet proof but totally gutless! sorry thought the xc70 was hidious! cant believe im saying it but the Honda was pretty cool. Feeling very confused now bout which direction to go! Bought my hubbie a L200 tonight. will be good to see how that compares to the safari
Mar 21, 4:15am
None, least of all a Hilux Surf.
Mar 21, 4:27am
Clearly you have not driven an XC70. Buy on looks alone if you want, its your money after all. But do be aware you are paying a big premium in terms of how much car you are not getting if you buy most of the others.
Mar 21, 5:13am
Hmmm, SUV and economical don't belong in the same sentence, somehow.
Mar 21, 4:01pm
get arenault scenic.
Mar 21, 4:48pm
I'm sure I read somewhere that Surfs transmissions are one of the most unreliable in 4wd.
Mar 23, 12:57am
I think this has all confused me even more! lol Still looking.
Mar 23, 5:23am
What about a Subaru Outback/Lancaster, they are nice cars built well and yu can get either a 2.5 or 3.0l. I've had a 2.5 and that had plenty of power ( in manual) . Alot more car for your money than an old surf. And the would have more than acceptable ground clearence for what you need and are AWD as are most subarus
Aug 19, 4:01am
Have you seen Top Gear Botswana or Middle East where cars are driven across the desert with an (mostly unseen support crew) !
There is the obvious tradeoff between size/ traction/ fuel use of a suv 4x4 against the lesser traction,smaller size and economy when unloaded of a station wagon type 2wd car.
338872236dawg Commo
353198125mondeo Also ToyotaCorolla s/w, Legnum etc A person is always in a bind when in the country and does not have the $ for a high lifted snorkelled Hummer, Range Rover Vogue, Cayenne, Touareg, Q7, Lexus RX, X5 etc
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