Brakes sticking. The brakes on my nissen terrano seems to be sticking in the morning on the first startany ideas what this maybe
Mar 22, 5:28pm
The brakes on my Nissen Terrano seems to be sticking in the morning on the first start.Any ideas what this maybe!
Mar 22, 5:33pm
They may be glazed.
Take the pads out, rub them on the concrete,a nd replace. Or, maybe the pistons are sticking. if so, pull them out at the same time, spray them with Brake-Clean, wipe them over, and replace.
Mar 22, 5:46pm
Yeah I'd have to say the piston rubbers may need replacing. Sometimes if you mix the Dot rated brake oil, can sometimes do this. Because some brake oils consist of different compounds.
Mar 22, 6:20pm
brakes stick because yo did not service your brakes like they should be and now rust water is seeazing your brake caliper. get prepaired for a big bill to do all front and rear brakes as rust will be everywhere by now.brake fluid need to be flushed out and exchangedevery 18 to 24 month. to prevent the above problems.
Mar 22, 6:51pm
A bit over the top on the situation without know all info about this car.
Mar 22, 7:06pm
Thanks gives me an idea of what going on.
Mar 22, 7:12pm
New caliper kits aren't too expensive, if you can do it or know someone handy to do it, it will save hundreds on labour.
Aug 15, 1:05pm
happened to mecylinder bootsplitrust on edgesso as pads wore stuck on the rusted part . , full O/h of calipersBNT do kitscheap as& gently sand away the rust, it will be past theseal so ok , clean very thoroughly & assemble with copius amount ofbrake fluid .
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