Got a speeding ticket just before Levin about 4months ago, it was 2.30am. Got done at 65 in a 50. Basically 50metres from the sign that changes from 70 down to 50. It was my fault, learnt my lesson. Anyways, the P.O told me he was going to send me out a ticket, haven't received it yet. Do they sometimes waive the ticket! Or is it probably just lost in the mail! More importantly how do I find out if there is an outstanding ticket!
Mar 17, 4:05pm
Did you not get a copy of the infringement notice their and then!
Mar 17, 4:07pm
Count yourself lucky he may of forgotten about it, but good on you for admitting your wrong and learned a lesson.
Mar 17, 6:24pm
Didnt get a copy of an infringement notice at all, got nothing. He just told me that I will get a ticket in the mail.
Mar 17, 6:27pm
Best to call & find out, ignorance isn't accepted as an excuse when it comes down to a court summons for non payment.
Mar 17, 6:49pm
You get that, just count your lucky stars.
Was out for a roam on the cycle one day and was just cruising along (as you do on sports tourers) unaware that I was being pursued by a mufti. There was a bridge ahead and there were two marked police cars blocking the road, so I thinks oi oi, what are they up to, so I slots in with the traffic flow. Very shortly after that I noted a red falcon sedan in my rear vision mirror careering down the wrong side of a yellow line passing all of the vehicles with pretty lights going on the dash and in the grill, so I thinks ???hmmmm, something??
Mar 17, 7:04pm
Pal I didn't even say anything whats your problem.
Mar 17, 7:14pm
It's called a reputation.yours precedes you.
Mar 17, 7:15pm
There is no common sense any more. I call and ask for some action to be taken against someone with wandering stock on a blind corner that damaged my car and could have easily killed people. . and they laugh at me. literally.
Its time things were sorted out with the Police. They seem to have the ability of preschoolers when it comes to priorities.
When a real potential kidnapping was happening and it was reported recently the caller was told that there were no units available to help. a few minutes later a Police car stopped outside the same building and picked up a "Santa Clause". This is a wonderful demonstration of how priorities are arranged, its always media, PR and easy revenue collecting first. Saving lives and property last.
Mar 17, 7:20pm
you would have recieved something by now.forget it:)))
Mar 17, 7:20pm
What ya do in that situation is hang up, then call back in 2 or 3 minutes and say: " Yeah, I just called about the kidnapping before, don't worry about it, I just shot the bastards" and hang up.You'll get your response then alright.When they find out it was a have, say what you meant was your took their photograph - 'a shot' and show them the pic. ;-)
Mar 17, 8:22pm
???When enforcement is taking place in an area where drivers are making the transition from a higher speed to a lower speed area, vehicles should not be targeted within 250 (two hundred and fifty) metres from the point where the speed limit changes unless there are good reasons to do so, such as protecting people operating at road works or to ensure the safety of children. (This does not apply within school zones.)
Jeez must be unluckythey arent usually doing traffic controls in Levin at that time , probably been to a disturbance & clocked you . Let sleeping dogs lie, if they want you they will find you . I just missed 1 on desert rdsunday , cop pinged the car in front about 4 k awaywhen detector went off& i was doing 130 .- againbought an extra lotto ticketmust been my lucky day
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