05 ford territory oil change, 180kms

br.jacko, Jan 27, 6:43pm
can someone tell me what oil i should be putting in !

mugenb20b, Jan 27, 7:23pm
5w-30 from memory. Have a look at the oil filler cap. Could written on it.

br.jacko, Jan 27, 8:40pm
yea thats what it says on cap,just wondered with those kms if should be using something different

unbeatabull, Jan 27, 8:43pm
I'd imagine the 05 will be using the older Filter (AFL1) which is a longer filter, which takes 8.5L of 10w30. The newer Territories (SX II and all SY and SZ) that have the short, fatter filter (AFL101) takes 8.0L of 5w30.

mugenb20b, Jan 27, 10:57pm
180k for a modern engine is nothing. Keep using 5w-30.

guest, May 17, 2:45am
you can use either 5w30 or 10w30 ford territory takes only 7.5 litre new diesel takes only 7 litre only use 5w30 castrol