I don't like paying taxes which are for the gain of everyone else (ie society) but I still have to.
Jan 30, 6:30pm
Ah yep that does. But looking at it from the other angle, who should carry that risk if this errant group is not 3P'd! The rest of us!
Jan 30, 6:36pm
Absolutly not. thats why a graduated CTP system is needed. it works in england and in Aus.cant see why it cant work here.
Jan 30, 6:38pm
the CTP portion of the rego costs in Australia only cover personal injury liability insurance - ie what ACC would cover. There is no third party vehicle damage insurance in Australia.
Jan 30, 6:39pm
Entirely different.
Jan 30, 6:40pm
If they can not pay outright then an amount should be deducted off their pay/benefit until the full amount is paid.
Jan 30, 6:43pm
Of course ANY car found driving without CTP should be TOWED IMMEDIATLY. and stored.if they cant afford the tow storage fee then the car is crushed.one less uninsured muppet on the road.
in england uninsured cars are towed straight away.no questons asked and the driver walks home
Jan 30, 6:52pm
What's everyone's problem with un insured drivers! The fact is it is not a legal requrement in this country and if any one gets upset by people without car insurance then that's a choice they have made to get upset about it. A driver without insurance has just as much right to be on the road as one with insurance. Not all uninsured drivers are muppets either. I can think of two ocasions where uninsured drives have taken responcability and paid for repairs themselves. If you have full cover you have nothing to worrey about anyway.
Jan 30, 7:59pm
But they usually have no incomes and deducting from benefits is harder than getting a glass of whiskey out of a Dutchman.
Jan 30, 8:00pm
So I take it that you've never been pranged by an uninsured driver then!
Jan 30, 8:00pm
Jan 30, 8:01pm
Could you please explain what a graduated CTP system is!
Jan 30, 8:02pm
In what way is it different! By not having insurance, you are exposing the rest of society to the risk of your causing a crash and damaging their property. How is that fair- you being able to expose me to that risk without obtaining my agreement!
Jan 30, 8:08pm
complusory - strictly enforced, too easy to drive without WOF and rego.
Jan 30, 8:08pm
bla bla bla - do you have an axe to grind!
Jan 30, 8:18pm
the car (and in some cases the driver) are ranked into insurancee groups depending on risk.for instance a 1.3 ford fiesta is cheaper than a WRX. but if you get busted driving with the wrong insurance group then the fines are huge (and you walk).
Jan 30, 8:27pm
I agree wholeheartedly that ALLcars on the road should have third party insurance. Actually as far as I'm concerned its easy. There should be two registration prices. One for the driver who produces insurance documents and a higher rate for those who choose not to insure the car. The higher rate includes the third party insurance.
Jan 30, 8:27pm
You imply that you concent to me causing damage to your property as long as I have insurance.
Jan 30, 9:11pm
What a strange assumption!
I consent to being exposed to the RISK of your crashing into me as long as you have adequate insurance to put the damage right.
I do NOT consent to you exposing me to the RISK of your crashing into me if you don't have that risk insured. Why should I or my insurance cover the risk that YOU are presenting me with!
Jan 30, 9:14pm
Well it's even easier than that.
1. Required a minimum of 3P in order to license the vehicle (the same mechanism as currently required a valid WOF).
2. Seize any vehicle that is stopped with no Licence/3P/WOF.There are plenty of cops out there stopping speedsters so up the ante for these other penalties.
Jan 30, 9:14pm
Well it's even easier than that.
1. Required a minimum of 3P in order to license the vehicle (the same mechanism that currently requires a valid WOF).
2. Seize any vehicle that is stopped with no Licence/3P/WOF.There are plenty of cops out there stopping speedsters so up the ante for these other penalties.
Jan 30, 9:16pm
Or more likely are you lucky enough to have never been whacked by an uninsured driver!
Jan 30, 9:28pm
no - rather they probally know whats going to happen once it goes compulsory
dont force it on people, motoring already costs enough now
the only "insurance" you really need is open eyeballs & a working brain
Jan 30, 9:29pm
how about you just dont crash
its not inevitable you realise - you can actually avoid them
Jan 30, 9:54pm
And you don't think that you owe any responsibility to the rest of us to cover our losses when you do crash into us! Or are you so cash-rich that you'll be capable of writing a huge cheque to cover all of our losses!
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