Mitsubishi Chariot GDi

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ajayzbabe, Feb 1, 2:23am
Have just picked one up, i know they are rubbish but only paid scrap price so no risk, Has dead flat battery & hasnt been run in a number of months, with a jump it sounded like it wanted to go but wont run, Any hints to assist starting these things! Apparantly was burning oil prior to being parked up

phillip.weston, Feb 1, 2:27am
if sitting for a while often the hydraulic lifters need pumping up, can often take a good 30-60 seconds of winding over before lifters pump up and close the valves properly.

n3d4sp3d, Feb 1, 2:30am
fill intake with acetylene then run a spark over it, that will kick it over nicely

ajayzbabe, Feb 1, 2:30am
Fantastic, i'l pop a NEW battery in it after work tomorrow & give it another crack. Im not expecting a gem, But thought i'd have a tinker as havent had anything to do with a GDi, worst case i just ring the scrappy &get my $ back

frank1, Feb 1, 2:31am
Suggest u press accelerater 3/4 to the floor and keep cranking,and maybe clean/replace spark plugs.
Started one today,and fired up after about 10 cranks on starter motor,be it slow-but then ran.

ajayzbabe, Feb 1, 2:37am
Yeah i might do just that if a fresh battery doesnt help the situation, are they prone to blowing smoke! apparently that was an issue, but havent seen it going in so long i dont recall if it was fuel or oil

n3d4sp3d, Feb 1, 2:41am
higher mileage prone to blowing smoke espec the 2.4 all are prone to choking the inlet manifold with egr and misfire and are gutless pigs if not fun on fuel higher than 95 also prone for the cam box leaking oil around the plugs thus causing misfires

phillip.weston, Feb 1, 3:17am
the oil burning can be traced back to the oil control ring grooves in the pistons gumming up and the original pistons can be modified by drilling into the drain holes to make them bigger which will reduce the oil consumption and therefore lower the amount of sludge which accumulates into the inlet manifold. The 1.8 and 2.0 GDIs are fine in this regard.

ajayzbabe, Feb 1, 3:30am
Just tryed taking the plugs out, they are quiet deep in the head, & i dont know if they use a special socket or possibly i would need to grind down my standard spark plug socket, as it wont go down the tube

phillip.weston, Feb 1, 3:33am
A standard 5/8 or 16mm quality spark plug socket should do the trick - at least one did on the 1.8 GDI I changed the plugs on. From memory only the MIVEC engines require the ultra thin profile socket to access plugs.

hrt, Feb 1, 4:04am
Almost every 4 cylinder GDI engine needs a thin wall socket. And the lifters don't need pumping up, they pump up themselves which is the issue in the first place.

n3d4sp3d, Feb 2, 2:47am
use a thin wall plug socket or you will loose your socket into the head

kazbanz, Feb 2, 3:00am
I bet one or more spark plug is fouled up with oil. Crank to ya hearts content and it wont start untill you at least clean the plugs
I'd also pour a few litres of 98 fuel into the fuel tank
Ive had a "smoker" or two myself

ajayzbabe, Feb 3, 6:02pm
Tryed new plugs, as 3 were fowled, & had wrong type fitted. Wants to go but wont run, i figure its too far gone & doesnt have enough compression. Will have to just list as parts or ring the local scrappy i think. cant save them all lol

mugenb20b, Feb 3, 6:04pm
What's the body like! Are the plates still live!

ajayzbabe, Feb 3, 6:42pm
Yeah everything else is good, Just has been parked up for months, & now sadly it doesnt want to quite catch. if it was manual id just tow start her. I'l have another crack at it later

andy61, Feb 3, 7:58pm
Did it have any oil in it when you got it!,more than likely it was run out of oil,damaging the engine

ajayzbabe, Feb 3, 9:26pm
Had another go & it fired up. Smoked like you wouldnt believe, took it for a drive out on some back roads in the country, & its pretty much cleared. I might give it a good run once its obtained a New Wof, any suggestions on what to use for a good service & perhaps some additives to give it a bit of a chance! Im not a big people mover fan, but it does drive fairly well for what it is

mugenb20b, Feb 4, 1:09am
How many k's has it done!

tgray, Feb 4, 1:43am
What's the year and K's! Mind saying what you paid for it! Not being judgemental, just curious.

kazbanz, Feb 4, 2:00am
The more you drive it the less it will smoke but it will always smoke a bit on cold startup.

n3d4sp3d, Feb 4, 2:29am
acetylene would still be a good additive haha

ajayzbabe, Feb 4, 2:39am
Its a 98 grandis, N84V i think. 4G64 2.4 Gdi, has travelled 225,000 which isnt doing too bad for one of these. Only paid $500 for it, quite tidy too. But i've purchased a New battery & sparkplugs etc, & still needs wof & reg. So starting to add up. I dont have many expectations from it, Just thought i'd have a look at one & see how they tick

mugenb20b, Feb 4, 2:58am
OK, you need to use high octane petrol in that car, and when servicing, I would recommend using engine flush before changing the oil and filter. I think they use Z411 filter, and depending on the engine condition, I would be using 10w-30 oil or 15w-40 if it's smokey. Unfortunately, the transmissions are appalling in these cars (or should I say torque converters), so have a look at the colour of the fluid and check for any burnt smells. Take it for a drive at 80 or 90km/h and see if there's any vibrations. At least Mitsubishi were clever enough to fit a spin on transmission oil filter, it sits on top of the casing.

ajayzbabe, Feb 4, 3:15am
Cheers. will continue with a decent service