Hi all, I am looking at a car from a local dealer (it is also on here). Feels great, drives well, is nice and tidy low km's etc. only I have been searching and it would appear that from reviews no one actually thinks they are great cars. Can anyone give me anything positive or am I going to be tipping $10,000 down the loo!!
Feb 7, 12:34am
I heard the cooling systems are fragile if they aren't maintained properly.
Had a few through various jobs and they were OK. Bit weird being Euro and the indicators on the "wrong" side though.
Feb 7, 12:35am
LOL at the indicators - I think I can handle retraining my brain for that! I'm more worried that I might end up with a piece of crap car that cost a lot and even more to keep it on the road!
Feb 7, 12:41am
ok op--now take the word Holdenout of this conversation because the only Holden part is the badge. Think Opel When traded in the usual fault is the aircon has stopped working and its not a cheap fix. Parts do seem expensive compared to jap stuff. other issues with them have been one offs with that particular car
Feb 7, 12:52am
So all in all, ANY car can be a lemon (I currently drive a subaru after living my whole life being told they are rubbish). I really like it, but I guess I have to convince the man that any car can be shit! I wondered if there was one thing in particular that was rubbish or unreliable.
Feb 7, 12:56am
$10k for an '02 Vectra! You've got to be kidding! But, anyway, they do drive nicely, and most parts seem to cost a fortune, like $250 - $300 for a thermostat. Cooling systems have a lot of plastic fittings, some weird looking hoses under the intake manifold and a plastic heater tap which is prone to leaking. Radiator is a prick of a job to remove and refit which also requires the front bumper to come off (thank god only 6 screws hold it on!). Cambelts need to be changed every 60 000kms as well as the water pump, tensioner and two idlers, but they are easy to do. So, all in all, if you can pick one up cheap, go for it. I would. But not $10k for a 10 year old Vectra.
Feb 7, 12:59am
Thanks for that. it is one little old man doctor owner and reg serviced etc!
Feb 7, 1:15am
sorry OP but I must say 10k is BIG money for an 02 vectra. For that money you'd get an 04/051800cc bluebird which is a reliable car.(just as an example) I'm not saying everybody should be boring but theres a lot better car out there for your 10k than a vectra
Feb 7, 1:17am
It is slipping further down the list of wants! AArrrgghhh. Thanks for the discussion so far everyone, I'm valuing these opinions a lot!
Feb 7, 1:23am
it's easy to re train your brain for the indicators, hard to un-retrain it when you hop back in a normal car. watch at the round-a-bout at that car who puts on his wipers and doesn't indercate. the commodore is a much better holden and cheaper in the long run-$10k could get a 99-00 v8 and it will still be worth 10k in 10 years time or a a 02-03 v6 that won"t use much more gas than the vectra and be still be worth more than $500 10 years from now
Feb 7, 1:26am
Oh, don't worry, there's a few "normal" cars out there with back to front indicator and wiper stalks, like some late model Nissan Pulsars and 100 series Toyota Landcruisers.
Feb 7, 1:27am
I'm looking for something smaller than a legacy wagon, $10,000 or less and a little nifty/sporty/looks sharp. I have a 9 year old and a 7 year old and want something that fits them and their gear! I don't need to be able to two or anything like that! I'm still giggling about the indicators.my gran and her BMW come to mind - 87 and still hasn't trained her brain! LOL
Feb 7, 1:29am
took me a few hours to get use to my xr4x4, and a few weeks after i sold it to get use to my mazda again
Feb 7, 1:33am
dacaveman wrote: I'm looking for something smaller than a legacy wagon, $10,000 or less and a little nifty/sporty/looks sharp. I have a 9 year old and a 7 year old and want something that fits them and their gear // what about a imprezza graval express , Rxi or wrx wagon
Feb 7, 1:33am
I will do a search on here to see what they are like.ideally I want something smaller in engine and body size :)Edited to add, I want something MODERN as I'm sick of driving an old hack! LOL
Feb 7, 1:49am
Oh and yes bad idea, sorry.
Feb 7, 1:53am
Stink! I love the VW, I will keep my eyes open for any others that come up - beautiful!
Feb 7, 1:59am
I'm very sorry Jazz, but no.
Feb 7, 2:04am
Now you are talking. Nice car, but stay away from Selespeed gearboxes, get a manual one.
Feb 7, 2:07am
So a no go then:(Does the tranmisssion on these lunch themselves! Sounds expensive if they do - aarrgghh
Feb 7, 2:09am
run forrest run, see the 6ft barge poles & keep on running brother has an 01 and has had no end of problems
Feb 7, 2:11am
So I am going to veto the Vectra. back to the drawing board - now it is down to the alfa and a mondeo that is more than I want to spend!
Feb 7, 2:15am
buy my ford (excuse the blatant self promo). all joking/seriousness aside. get either a jappa or a something where there is a few at the wrecker (for replacement parts). Also ring your mechanic, the dealer mechanic and then one more mechanic just for good measure to ensure that there are no obvious faults with the model, and if there are, check the service records to be sure that they are done.
Feb 7, 2:21am
I have spoken to my dad (who is an 'old school' mechanic, bless him!). And he has said to think about depreciation etc - boring old fart! I have the money and want something cool and styley - I drive a total of 8kms a day (more on weekends etc) so can afford to be a bit frivilous! Edit to add I have a jappa (silver subaru legacy wagon), plenty of those in the wreckers.lol.I haven't got hold of my mechanic yet but would suspect that he would tell me NUP pretty quick after reading what others on here have said.
Feb 7, 2:27am
tbh, I would listen to your father. cool looking cars are great, but 10k in the bank looks even better in my book. car do depreciate fast so just look around for something pretty to look it for 3-4k. high kms are alrightish with a decent service record. Good looks don't have to cost the earth, and a cheaper car is cheaper to insure
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