Wow you need anger management chief. I saw you nut off at some bloke in a subie tonight (I was on the bike). Tremendous stuff screeching to a halt in the middle of an intersection and yelling your silly head off after you were the one driving like a cock. Think you may have even been a ginger.
Confirms my thoughts on those who put chev bow ties on holdens (teal coloured 90's commode, gold chev badge on boot). If I can be bothered I'll sketch out the course of events tomorrow.
Jan 30, 4:54am
No need, rebadged holden says it all; wanker.
Jan 30, 5:41am
Was it a V6! Its nearly always a V6.
In saying that, its nearly always a Subaru as well.
Putting those two within 50 foot of each other is nearly always going to result in disaster.
Jan 30, 1:12pm
Hahaha yep was a recipe for disaster I suppose.
still think it was funny today.
Jan 30, 1:26pm
I have a question, you have a Holden, then you go and put a Chev Badge on it. Why!
Jan 30, 1:28pm
Advertising - Just in case people didn't know you were a tool.!
Jan 30, 1:37pm
Jan 30, 1:43pm
Lol x 10!.
Jan 30, 2:07pm
Great thread!
Jan 30, 4:09pm
im a die hard holden man,and also love chevs,but you wouldnt put a holden badge on a chev so why put a chev badge on a holden,just cause its got a chev motor,dont make it a chev.
Jan 30, 4:19pm
Hahaha sweet pic's
Jan 30, 4:22pm
i used to think that too until i read that some japies import their cars from south africa and the holdens are badged as chevs there.
Jan 30, 4:35pm
yea,new caladonia and tahiti the same,all holden are badged as chevs,but we not in tahiti or africa or new caladonia,we are in nz,and here a holden is a holden not a chev.
Jan 30, 5:10pm
Wow, that's. unique. What a nutter.
Jan 30, 5:22pm
It sure is frustrating especially in Auckland and its going to get worse with schools starting back now.
Jan 30, 5:26pm
enjoying other's sketches of road rage incidents.
Jan 30, 5:31pm
so when you change country you should re-badge your car if you bought it with you! just so you dont annoy small minded local hicks.
Jan 30, 5:39pm
I think we have found angry Holden/Chev man.
Jan 30, 5:40pm
nah i got a ford. my last holden was a 1979 one.
Jan 30, 5:54pm
cool pics man.ive found its generally the person in the wrong that spits the dummy. trying to make themselves feel better about their incompetence or some such bs.and yeah corner cutters piss me off, seems damn near everyone does it, especially at intersections, why cant people stay in their lane and properly turn right angle corners!
Jan 30, 5:57pm
I believe so.
Jan 30, 6:09pm
i road raged someone in a small way the ther a round about the muppet was giving way to traffic which was fine.he was indicating LEFT so looked as if he was turning left.then at the last minute decided to go right (still indicating left) by which time i had already started into the round about.i gave him a serve about driving and indicating.
Jan 30, 8:21pm
That would be ummm maybe me,can't stand the muppets!.
Jan 31, 2:28am
Not as bad as wankers who put HSV kits, badges and alloys (or sometimes leave the stock alloys on for that uber-wanker edge) on base model Commodores. I mean in most cases that could have sold their V6 Executive starting vehicle, and put the cash from that along with the 1000's they spent on a horrible wanna-be job on the genuine article. Only seems to Commodore drivers who do this - doesn't seem to happen as often with Falcon owners.
Jan 31, 2:30am
Chev-badged Holden owners are nearly as bad as Audi drivers.
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