2008 Road code

planespotterhvn, Feb 7, 12:08pm
No speed limit for crossing a railway level crossing anymore! What happened to that!

smac, Feb 7, 1:01pm
ermmm.died in the sixties! Just guessing.but I know there was no limit when I got my licence over 20 years ago.

planespotterhvn, Feb 7, 1:49pm
30 kms per hour in a previous revision of the road code or when my kids learnt bout 3-5 years ago.

smac, Feb 7, 2:06pm

Unless you read the bit about school buses or heavy vehicles or something! No idea about them.

kiwis0, Feb 7, 4:06pm
pedal to the meddle now.

planespotterhvn, Feb 7, 10:18pm
Just looking at Google this rules seems to have been changed in 2004 or there abouts. It seems to have been superceded with stop or give way signs at un gated or non lighted or belled railway level crossings, and at level crossings with no additional stop or give way sign under the X shaped railway crossing signs you are requred to travel at such a speed that you are able to stop if you see that a train is approaching.

smac, Feb 7, 10:23pm
That would be about the time the new Road User Rule came in right! Where are you looking to see what it replaced!

planespotterhvn, Feb 7, 10:26pm
Difficult to find out what the rule was, all I can find is what the rule is since 2004.

tonyrockyhorror, Feb 7, 10:32pm
Changed in 1998 with the Land Transport Act.

msigg, Feb 7, 10:39pm
Probably safer since most train/car accident are due to cars stalling on the crossing.

planespotterhvn, Feb 7, 11:25pm
My kids were under 10 then!