lame.Especially when you start getting to the cats and the goldfish.
Feb 7, 10:39pm
Saw a car the other day that had on it "Who gives a f^&*&k about your family"
Feb 7, 10:47pm
lame , couldn't give 2 hoots how many kids they have or how many animals they have or if they're single parent with 6 kids
Feb 7, 10:52pm
Wof fail!
Feb 7, 10:54pm
Feb 7, 10:57pm
When I was a teenager, my peers all had "No Fear" stickers on their windows, and 20-somethings all had OAKLEY THERMONUCLEAR PROTECTION stickers on their windows.
It is good to see people growing up and starting to take pride in something that is actually worthy of a bit of pride!
Feb 7, 10:59pm
They are lame. Like the PP ???MUMOF9??
Feb 7, 11:02pm
John I thought you were an AVI!. They??
Feb 7, 11:06pm
Yes but no one said the dimensions on the stickers did they. so its not a fail unless its oversize, stickers come in many sizes.
And dont call me John.
Feb 7, 11:06pm
Yes but no one said the dimensions on the stickers did they not. So its not a fail unless its over the dimensions in the virm. Otherwise all for sale, logo like stickers etc you get from radio stations would be a fail.
And dont call me John as a personal preference.
Feb 7, 11:07pm
well at least we havnt got as bad as the states where proud parents have bumper stickers announcing their son/daughter is an honour student/college graduate/gridiron player etc etc, well not yet, probably be bound to hit Auckland suburbs soon though
ACTUALLYthats not a bad name mate. Um hey best ya think about a number and come pick up a bit of green paper. I still aint organised the other bit yet.
Feb 8, 12:44am
my view--heck theres better things to think about
Feb 8, 12:46am
I have one of these - stick figure guy flipping the finger with "Honestly, I don't give a flying f#@k who's in your family"
Gets heaps of laughs.
Feb 8, 12:47am
Lame, except one i saw with one man, one woman and bags of cash.
Feb 8, 12:54am
lame x10
I dont need to know you have 3 kids, a cat and a dog.
Feb 8, 1:10am
i just bought 2!
Feb 8, 1:24am
seen one the other day, and the DAD had been scraped off but you could still see where he had been.
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