I'd sooner see family stickers on cars than things like "Bad Boy" or "Chosen Few" or "No Fear". What does surprise me though are the number of people who drive around giving free advertising to car dealers. All those number plate surrounds and rear window stickers advertising such and such motors and the phone number. Heck - advertising is expensive. Why give it to car dealers for free! If they wanted me to leave their signage all over my car, I'd be asking them for a substantial discount or ongoing payments!
Feb 8, 1:48am
Haha,yea studio,i agree on the car dealers. Lol.
Feb 8, 1:54am
in an age where "family" means nothing and the slappers latest boyfriend is the only male figure in a kids life i think its good to celebrate family.
lets face it there are plenty of cars out there that celebrate "defacto/latest R**T/benefit bought my car".
Same here, exhaust shops and how could we forget drury tyres. If they want advertising they can pay me.
Feb 8, 2:11am
I left it on your desk under the phone.
Feb 8, 3:10am
Noticed that it's 'DRURY TIRES' ! They must be American. Either that or Drury is a really boring place!
Feb 8, 3:26am
nah, havnt you noticed, lots of people spell like yanks these days, wannabees in my opinion
Feb 8, 3:47am
Don't think I've seen these 'family stickers', can't really comment.
What I have seen a lot of in Sth Aucks is massive R.I.P - In memory of so-and-so plastered all over the back window of wagons or people movers.
As for these, I understand people want to show their love/respects, but in my opinion, the back window of an auto is not the place to do it.
Feb 8, 9:20am
Better than a sticker saying "My Son is in Jail (Murder)". !
Feb 8, 12:51pm
sorry but that doesn't add up--Now one man and bags of cash I get but add a woman. tui time
Feb 8, 12:55pm
I like your thinking.
Feb 8, 3:12pm
I know, you're a special case ;-) But otherwise - why have to plaster stuff on a car - like PP for GT model or rememberance of a loved one dying, family, Olympic medal etc!! They might as well say "I've got a really low self esteem and here's the sticker to prove it" Compare with my workroom for my trade; I could have my framed qualification and trade cert on the wall but I can't be bothered - people are either going to trust that I do what I say or not.
Feb 8, 3:15pm
Ohsorry I thought those stickers were like the little cross on airforce planes and gateposts etc.The more icons the better your driving style!
Feb 8, 3:18pm
I saw 1 like that the other day,it had about 5 bicycles lined up with a red line through them.
Feb 8, 8:28pm
Was it a Mercthats what the tri star on the bonnet is for,pedstrian /cyclistsight
Feb 9, 1:29am
Finally saw these stickers today what everyone going on about. Had a very good looking extremely hot solo Mum in work with 2 kids so on back window was 1 mum and 2 kids. Now i am a honest citizen but evil walks amongst us. If some scum saw those stickers and saw the Mum again extremely hot. He could put 2 and 2 together and realise she is single. All he has to do is got to post office with her rego number and get her address. So i personally think these stickers are stupid and only could cause harm. If you a female and have these stickers please at least p[ut a dog sticker on your back window someone might think twice. Just my 2 cents worth.
Feb 9, 1:42am
alan--why don't you try what you suggested! --you can't do that anymore matey and i suspect for that very reason
Feb 9, 4:27am
this fad hit america a few years back
there it was cool to put names under the stickers, make the kids feel important etc
they outlawwed having names under them as it didnt take lonf for pedos to catch on see the back of a van, follow family into store
get one kid alone "hi suzy, your mum Linda and dad john asked me to get you, your brother richie is hurt we have to go to the hospital"
done deal
Feb 9, 1:16pm
You know what mate-- that entire post upset me immensely.Not you or your reporting of it. Bust simply that I hve no doubt you are correct
Feb 9, 1:41pm
Or , "I can't keep it in my pants and my grocery bills are killing me" !
Feb 9, 1:49pm
That is just plain silly. How did you know she was a solo mum! Could it have been mums taxi and dad didnt drive it hence the mum and 2 child stickers on the window. How do you get the address from the PO! have you seen the dog sticker - not very threatening! do solo mums, regardless of how they look really have to hide. Calm down Alan, breathe in gently, the world is still a safe place.
Feb 10, 1:07am
My crew had the bridgestone white stickers on their rides,although a fair few of them cut them up to spell "bestoned"
Feb 10, 1:26am
I saw one saying"I always belt my kids up and so should you".That can be taken two ways.
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