I have a question or two. Where can I get information on thatWhen one is in a vehicle accident, about the the exchanging of details of the drivers! I had an incident where I was involved in an accident, the funny thing was that the other driver got all my details car rego, drivers licence number, but all i got from them was the bus number and the name of the company that they were driving for and they drove off. My second question is ok "I did not ask them for their details like their driver licence number" can they and is it illegal that they can just drive off and not give me their details especially even though I did not ask for them! TIA
Feb 9, 2:09pm
Op--its up to you to get the details of the driver.
Feb 9, 2:26pm
Well yes, probably up to you to ask, but they ARE legally required to provide driver's and owners name/address etc.
You must ASK for the details. It's only illegal to not give them if asked.
Feb 9, 4:12pm
Like the link says really.
Feb 9, 4:29pm
Your best bet is to phone the bus company, or explain the situation to your insurance company and give them the details you do have.
Feb 9, 6:10pm
Where they driving a bus!
Feb 9, 8:22pm
Better hope the driver told his bossor you could have a battle gettingfixed .
Feb 9, 9:35pm
Feb 9, 9:45pm
Sorry guys I got distracted and posted before I finished. What i was trying to say was Its up to you OP to get the drivers details. Unfortunately you need to be utterly cynical and untrusting. Others will come along quoting the law but if you are dealing with a professional driver with his job possibly on the line the normal practice is -deny deny deny. The bus company will support the driver in saying -prove it. As you can imagine they get heaps of complaints about their drivers. Some justified some not I hope for your sake I'm wrong but I would be following up pretty promptly
Feb 9, 10:01pm
Yes. But it seems many people in these parts have trouble interpreting the legislation even when it is quite plainly written.
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