Any Nissan Safari diesel experts out there! - I replaced the fuel filter on my '91 4.2 diesel Safari / Patrol this morning.Not the first time I've done it and haven't had any issues before - just remove the old one, swap over the bits that hang off the bottom, fill with clean fuel, refit, bleed at the filter housing using the manual pump thing, start and drive away.Today hasn't been that straight forward though. Fitted the new filter, and the engine started ok, but after a minute or two the idle would drop to the point that the engine would stall.Figured out how to bleed the injector pump (I'm no diesel mechanic unfortunately!), so pumped fuel through using the manual pump.No difference, although it seems to run ok once it gets over 800 rpm or thereabouts, but will still eventually stall when idling.Conversely, sometimes it will idle reasonably well, but won't accelerate over 1200rpm!So far I have - bled the IP, bled the injectors (at least I think I have - fuel comes out when I crack the injector nuts, with the engine running), refitted the old filter (just in case the new one was faulty), and bled the filter.All with no success.I did notice when removing the fuel filter (which I've did a few times during the course of the day) that it was only about a third full.I've filled it to the top each time it's gone on - should it always be full! All of this has taken up the most of the day; my wife isn't happy 'cos the grass didn't get cut, but my priority has to be getting my truck running properly!Any suggestions you may have as to how I can resolve this situation (my truck problem, not the lawn mowing.) would be most appreciated, thank you.
Feb 11, 3:19am
Yep I have experienced exactly the same problem. Exactly the same to a tee. After many weeks of ferking about, I removed the filter and put the old one back on (after retrieving it from the bottom of the rubbish bin). Problem solved. I then splashed on a 'genuine' Nissan filter and problem solved. The bad filter was a Repco one and when i took it back, they said "ah yes there has been a bit of a problem with some of these" and very promptly refunded. So if you still have the old filter put it back on and see what happens.
Feb 11, 3:20am
We're talking TD42 non Turbo'd model. Filter on bulkhead on passengers side.
Feb 11, 3:20am
Make sure it has no air leaks on the line coming into the filter from the tank, how full is the tank!
Feb 11, 3:25am
Did you refit the supply and return hoses in the right places on the filter housing! ie. you didn't swap them over!
Feb 11, 3:28am
Yep, TD42 non-turbo.I've already tried re-using the old filter but it didn't change anything.The one I fitted today is from Repco though; I like your suggestion Owen of a genuine filter though, so will go and visit the Nissan shop on Monday and get one of those. The tank is about half full; I guess I could've disturbed something and created an air leak, so will look for that too thank you.
Feb 11, 3:28am
Yep, TD42 non-turbo.I've already tried re-using the old filter but it didn't change anything.The one I fitted today is from Repco though; I like your suggestion Owen of a genuine filter, so will go and visit the Nissan shop on Monday and get one of those. The tank is about half full; I guess I could've disturbed something and created an air leak, so will look for that too thank you.
Feb 11, 3:28am
Try not to do this in the future, that's a very bad habit. "Clean" fuel is still unfiltered and will go straight into the injector pump.
Feb 11, 3:29am
Supply and return hoses definitely in the right place!Good thought though.
Feb 11, 3:35am
OK, sometimes injector pumps have a gauze filter underneath the banjo bolt at the supply line/pipe. I'm not sure if TD42 has them, but you can check it, you might need a run of the mill 'Bic' pen to retrieve it, if it's there.
Feb 11, 3:37am
seal tight! pump the filter till its hardthen undo screw at pump where line goes in when running wait till fuel comes out then crack each injector pipe til fuel comes through 1 at a time
did you remove film over the new filter!
Feb 11, 3:37am
Excellent idea thanks.I know mine has a gauze filter, as I recall cleaning it a few years back.Will check it tomorrow.
Feb 11, 3:39am
I friggin' hope so! It's pretty hard to leave the film behind and trying to screw the sucker on!
Feb 11, 3:43am
I think the seal is tight enough, about the same tightness as the oil filters I also fitted this morning.Definitely no film on or in the filter! I've bled the pump and injectors, but perhaps I need to do it once again.
Feb 11, 3:47am
Try starting the engine with your foot flat on the accelerator, and keep it there for a few minutes until the revs pick right up. You may just have an air lock.
Feb 11, 3:50am
I shall try that, but not at this time of the night, or I'll be in even more trouble with 'er indoors!
Feb 11, 3:55am
Ah.I'm married to a "handbrake" too. She stops me from doing anything by applying force / pressure.
Feb 11, 3:56am
Change her for a Ferrari.
Feb 11, 4:05am
Some of us need a handbrake now and then, otherwise I probably would havea Ferrari, and a bigger bulldozer, and a digger, and maybe a CR500.He who has the most toys wins I'm told, whatever that means.
Feb 11, 4:05pm
I had a similar problem with my TD42 Safari '88 n/a. Problem was the top nylon bleed screw on the fuel filter housing.When it was closed, if you pressed the plunger hard and looked closely, it would ooze a very small amount of diesel.That's on the intake side to the injector pump, so it was sucking air through this to the pump under vacuum.Fix was very simple - I put an O-ring on the bleed screw (5 years ago and no problems since). Once air is in the pump and injector lines, then when bleeding at the pump you've got to pump quite a lot of fuel through, and it's ideally a 2 person job - get someone else to operate the pump, pump perhaps 1/2 litre or more diesel through - look very closely and keep pumping a bit even after (what you thought were) the last air bubbles come through.
Feb 11, 6:13pm
Thanks Mark, that's exactly what I found.Must have been a tiny airleak past the bleed screw, but enough to let sufficient air in to mess the whole system up.Have sealed the bleedscrewproperly following yet another system bleed, and my truck now idles and accelerates as it should.Thanks to everybody else who offered advice - I've learnt a lot about diesel fuel systems in the last 24 hours!
Apr 28, 5:21am
Hey my misses let my mavrick (GQPatrol) diesel run out of fuel im pretty sure thier was water in the thank as i put fuel in primed at primer pump started went to servo put in more fuel started drove bout 5km down road heap of smoke n conked out machenic couldnt start it so i took out the tank cleaned it blew lines out with compressor new fuel. two filters first one had more water in it got all water out i think (after burning out starter twice) got clean fuel coming out lines into injectors but still wont kick even cleaned injectors can you bled the fuel pump itself
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