Subaru B4 2002 Issues

mr.bubb1es, Feb 11, 7:17pm
Hi there,

I have a non turbo, manual, 2002 Subaru B4. With a couple of issues. It is at 132000Km with next service due at 136000km, I always run on 95 petrol.

The first being, after going for a reasonable drive, such as a 15-20 minute drive down a motorway when I turn it doesn't matter left or right there is like a banging/knocking sound from the front passenger tire area which speeds up the tighter the turn.

I have taken it to a mechanic twice now and he can't find anything wrong with it. The last time my car was lifted into the air and determined it was possibly the CV joint thought it looked fine there, and if it got worse to bring it back. Though it hasn't got worse, it's really loud when it does occur and it pisses me off thoroughly.

While the first problem can be dealt with for now, the new second issue can not. Recently, say in the last month the car has a habit of not starting up straight away. I turn the key in the ignition and it goes to start but just doesn't turn over.

Today this problem escalated. Go to start my car it starts first go and is sitting in neutral, while I put my seat belt on etc, then all of a sudden the rpm drops right down and the car stalls. Start the car, stall, start the car stall, start the car, stall, until it finally starts without stalling, start driving home as I am driving the Rpm drops again stalls. In the middle of the road. Start the car again, first go and drive home.

I have no idea what is causing the first issue, and not entirely sure of why my car has started stalling and not starting either. The car's oil and coolant level are normal and it doesn't run hot either. Potentially the alternator! As the battery seems to be fine as well.

Any help is appreciated.


mugenb20b, Feb 11, 8:48pm
Your first problem sounds like there's an issue with a CV joint, despite the fact you had it checked out.
Your second problem sounds like a faulty fuel pump. Although, I can't guarantee anything over the internet.
Is there an engine check light showing up!

mr.bubb1es, Feb 11, 9:33pm
Nope, no engine lights what so ever.

nokiacellphone, Feb 11, 9:43pm
fuel pump for sure on its way out

mr.bubb1es, Feb 11, 10:34pm
Oh, awesome. You wouldn't have a rough estimate cost for replacement would you! Cheers guys.

jason18, Feb 11, 11:00pm
Before you jump to buying a fuel pump can you hear it going when key turned to ign! These can be faulty but definatly get another opinion on the fuel pump as no body here can hear the fuel pump going or not.

duke250, Feb 11, 11:15pm
Hello, I paid $360 for a GTB twin turbo fuel pump (not including installation). Yours will probably be cheaper as its non turbo so its smaller. To check if it is the fuel pump put the key on contact (before start) and you should be able to hear the fuel pump from the back.

mr.bubb1es, Feb 11, 11:25pm
Wouldn't know what the sound is I'm looking for. It turns over every time but sometimes it just doesn't start. Or it will start then proceed to stall. Sorry

mr.bubb1es, Feb 11, 11:26pm
Cheers I'll give it a go now. Thanks.

duke250, Feb 11, 11:28pm
Its like a mechanical hissing sound, drivers side behind rear seats.

mr.bubb1es, Feb 11, 11:39pm
Yeah, I hear it say 6 out of 10 times I do it, the other 4 times I do not. Though the car seems to start regardless sometimes.