Why do ppl brake at the bottom of hills?

whqqsh, Feb 12, 12:46am
Yesterday while towing a car back from Stratford to Auck, I was trying to get a run-up before the hills only to find many drivers who were happy to sit at 100kph would slow or even brake as they got to the bottom, causing me to have to slow & making the hill a real chore or go around them (which prompted the expected reaction).
Between this & the idiots that HAVE to pass the trailer only to slow down to less than they were doing before (ie, slowing me down too) made a reasonable trip a bit tiresome, especially with a trailer that towed the best Ive experienced with another car loaded on.

sw20, Feb 12, 12:48am
The same reason people choose to pass older cars on the passing bays, then have the older cars in their rear bumpers as soon as a corner appears.

johnf_456, Feb 12, 12:53am
Maybe because speed cameras are often at the bottom of hills.

mugenb20b, Feb 12, 12:53am

kiwisparky, Feb 12, 12:54am
because they all stupid asses

johnf_456, Feb 12, 1:01am
Up here they often are on down hill slopes.

whqqsh, Feb 12, 1:22am
I did notice Nissan & Sly-undies drivers seemed to be major culprits. However another silly driving trait, that make heavy trailer towing, were the lack of ability to sit at a constant speed, you know speed up to 100 then slowly drift down to 80, then oops up to 110 because the guy with the trailer is 'racing' up behind you again just before a hill (why would he want to do that!), then brake heavily because the corner sign says 65 but forget to speed up again until the next passing lane because that bloody guy with the trailer isnt getting past me!

rambler_man, Feb 12, 1:35am
Speed down hills in the King country and find out what happens cops sit at the bottom and give out tickets

incar., Feb 12, 1:41am
+1 bottom of the Bombay hills, heading southis a good spot for them

trouser, Feb 12, 1:48am
He's talking about going up hill.

rob_man, Feb 12, 1:48am
I used to think they were making certain that the guy behind them with the underpowered diesel towing a boat would have to change down to at least second gear because all the impetus he had stored up for the coming hill had been dissapated by braking at the bottom to avoid running into the back of some half wit who braked for no reason at all.

mopar63, Feb 12, 1:58am
prob the same reason they brake going towards a green light, they don't know how to drive

socram, Feb 12, 2:02am
They are road designers!It's probably the same ones who decided that when joining at the bottom of the Bombays, heading north, they would put such a shallow camber on the road that ALL traffic ends up slowing to about 55kph(their pace around bends) before heading up the hill.Especially frustrating when towing.
Dumb road design. Also applies at most motorway on ramps such as Waterview, Takanini heading north etc.Merge like a zip!No chance.

pollymay, Feb 12, 6:01am
World first, I agree with johnf_456 to a point. The bombays are awful for cameras at the bottom to catch trucks getting the big run up the hill. It's pretty pointless.

When I come up there in the ute/car sometimes I'll be on the high beams, the horn and whatever else I could muster to get the masses out of my way so I can steam up the hill at decent pace. If you don't see that you deserve to be shunted off the road, swallow some pride and move so I don't block the fast lane trying to stop for you and consequently having to merge a tandem trailer with blindspots. Of course you get the finger as they go up the hill faster but they probably have no I'm struggling to get up in some cars.

kazbanz, Feb 12, 9:57am
Ignoring all the other reasons -the 5 ohh are making it clear they will ticket anyone doing over 105 I do think its causing a bit of paanoia

mrfxit, Feb 12, 1:55pm
LOL yep, now you know how I feel in my Surf.
It's got the torque to get up most hills at a reasonable pace but the usable power band is very small. once out of that range I have to change down & sit in the next best rev/torque range for the rest of the hill

whqqsh, Feb 12, 11:01pm
wow, anyone would think no one else has ever owned one. trust me, I remember well!

socram, Feb 12, 11:38pm
Freelander TD4 fairly stomps up that hill, even with the car on the trailer, on the straight run anyway.I haven't had a go with this vehicle, joining from the side.

writy, Feb 13, 2:02am
i dunno man they might have had an "E" or a "spiff" because according to the TV it's a problem that sort of thing don't you know.

matthew_129, Feb 13, 3:23am
it annoys the crap out of me aswell, towing with an old pajero is a chore at the best of times, but if my run up gets messed up its all over, 40kph up the bombays with the racecar on the back sucks big time, if i get a good enough run up I can do it at 80.

I wont have to worry soon though as a Lexus V8 is slowly making its way into the engine bay

rob_man, Feb 13, 3:28am
One cylinder at a time!

matthew_129, Feb 13, 3:29am
well the old diesel is out on the ground in many pieces, just a bit more measuring left to do