Truckies. Why the need for engine brakes on flat roads we live on the hauraki plains so not many gradients yet some truck driver
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Feb 15, 8:49pm
Watched the vids. Feel free to use your jake brakes. I have one last suggestion. If you guys started slowing down a bit earlier using your jake brakes, surely that would remove the need to jake brake right through town. Remember the road is flat where we live. No one has come close to answering this question yet. I fear the answer is that you don't have to do the above. It's a case of getting there in a hurry and screw everyone else. Just my opinion of course but I'm entitled to that.!
Feb 15, 9:04pm
Yeah.nah. I give up.
Feb 15, 9:49pm
saw a tanker get a car to day ain te awamutucar tryed to under cut the tanker turning left , took it widecar on inside and got caught between trailer alxes and up onto the curbnot good
Feb 16, 12:57am
There is a huge difference between Exhaust Brakes, and Engine Brakes, two totally different things.
Feb 16, 2:29am
also technically diesel engines do not engine brake no butterfly they have retarders, compression release brakes or jacobs brake which is a brand, or exhaust brakes. euros have muflers on the intake to limit noise.
Feb 16, 2:29am
also technically diesel engines do not engine brake no butterfly they have retarders, compression release brakes or jacobs brake which is a brand, or exhaust brakes. euros have muflers on the intake to limit noise. Also saves fuel when fitted with deceleration fuel cut. and at an average of 2l a km soon adds up
Feb 16, 2:43am
wow. trucks using the ROAD are making a noise. you should make a complaint. who wants to bet the roads were there before you moved into your house! Do you complain to the farmers that the cows are smelly too!
Feb 16, 2:55am
Lol. Do you always write in pidgin English! The road was there way before I moved in. So were the ignorant coudn't give a toss truck drivers.some things will never change. As you were.
Feb 16, 4:01pm
I have not laughed so hard in a long time
Jun 4, 4:25am
only american trucks have them. they are old fashions means of braking. europeon trucks like scanias and volvos have retarders which do not make horrible noises to anoy people. i have a truck with engine brakes and it embarrasing to use them but i dont want wear my brakes. thanks for scania making retarders my next truck i wont have to worry about stupid loud engine brakes
Jun 4, 4:28am
exhaust brakes are different to engine brakes. as are retarders different again. google them to get the low down.
Jun 4, 4:42am
No you will find Volvo, DAF and Iveco all have their own version of 'jakes' as well as the option of a retarded, don;t know anything about scania and they are just as noisey if the exhaust is set up right. if its not broken dont fix it re jakes brakes.
Jun 4, 5:19am
Nothing at all wrong with hos post. Could do with a couple of capital letters but hardly the crime of the century.
Jun 4, 12:32pm
I work at a large factory with residential neighbours that complain at every opportunity especially when one truckie decided that engine braking while approaching the main gate was a good thing but this was coming out of the property with a supposed 10kph limit (which he was obviously breaking too). Complaint made, time noted, camreas checked, bingo, warning given thena few days later did it again & banned from site. bye bye fat juicy contract!
Jun 10, 3:28am
if you dont like it, dont live there. road was more than most likely there before you were. it is a safety device, and ill continue to use it.
Jun 10, 3:54am
trucks arent designed to use their brakes the same way cars do - think about how much weight they are stopping. the have engine brakes for numerous reasons - if they used the brake pedal like in a car ALL the time, the brakes would overheat and stop working VERY quickly. What would you rather! a bit of noise, or a truck rolling through an intersection and T boning your car because their brakes overheated trying to please the ignorant whiners!
but ignorance is bliss right!
Jun 10, 3:59am
So two points. Trucks are allowed to still be going over the posted speed limit half a km into a town! unlike cars that must be at the posted speed limit as they pass said post. And trucks are allowed to ignore the sign saying they must not use engine/exhaust braking withen the town limits!
Jun 10, 4:17am
Dont be so logical you are losing site of the arguement.
Jun 10, 4:18am
turn all trucks off for a week and see how these people get on. no food no petrol no dunny paper
Jun 10, 4:19am
Lol just throwing it out there.
Jun 10, 4:21am
Haha I have a few mates that are truck drivers and me old man was one also none of them seen the need to use the jacks in towns and they slowed down with plenty of time to reach posted speed limits well before coming into towns.
Jun 10, 4:28am
I dont think its even a cof requirement.
Jun 10, 4:31am
Correct. The brakes are run up on rollers but engine/jacks/retarders are not tested as there is no road test.
Jun 10, 4:38am
well cant be that much of a safety concern!
Jun 10, 4:41am
Correct again. there there to assist and if a trucks service brake cant pull it up with a load on without them then it shouldn't be on the road. Keep in mind we are talking flat roads.
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