Maxima 2004 J31 fuses

thewomble1, Feb 16, 6:42am
The red/white light built into the driver's door does not light up when the door is open. I swapped the whole unit with the one from the passenger door and it did not work. Is there a separate fuse somewhere for this light! All the interior lights are working but not the drivers door light.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

mugenb20b, Feb 17, 12:15am
Not sure about fuses, but I would be checking for broken wires in the door opening (by the hinges), and the switch.

thewomble1, Feb 17, 8:03am
Light on the drivers door comes on when you open the passenger door. Changed the door switches but did not solve problem,, Taking off the door lining this weekend to see if I can spot a loose wire/broken wire.If not off to the auto electrician Monday.