Every 5000km generally. I get oil and parts at cost, and most of the time do changes half way through a service interval myself (always take cars to a factory dealer for normal scheduled servicing though) so cost isn't really an issue. But I figure for a decent car (i.e. not a complete shitter) then it's worth doing regularly and with quality oil.
Feb 20, 12:01am
I know a guy who ran a Peugeot 405 to big miles just topping up when the oil light came on around corners and changing his oil every few years when he remembered. I'm a bit of a stickler for oil changes myself but the next owners probably get all the benefit from it.
Feb 20, 12:11am
Oil! whats oil!
Feb 20, 1:13am
Every 5-6,000 kms
Feb 20, 1:47am
Madness. some of the intervals that the oil is being changed at. What are the conditions that the engine is operating in! If it is good oil and the engine is in good tune and condition, then you are wasting good oil. How many people do their oil changes and then sell their car regularly! What cracks me up is people that religiously change their oil, and then do nothing else. Down the track the car is being scrapped because it has been overheated, or a cambelt has snapped.
Feb 20, 1:54am
I totally agree. When I first buy a car, I change all the fluids and check the fanbelts (and cambelt if it's due) and cooling system operation, tune up, etc. Then I know where I stand.
Although, I have made a mistake in the past of doing the above, only to sell the vehicle 6 months later.
Feb 20, 1:59am
My ute does a lot of short, cold trips, and the choke is on a lot of the time. Hence the reason why I change the oil every 6 months regardless of mileage, which can vary between 2500 and 4000kms in that time frame. I am quite pedantic when it comes to servicing, but I get all the oils and filters at cost, so it's not an expensive exercise.
Feb 20, 2:17am
Both Nissans (Skyline & Stagea) 6 months or 5000 kms, oil & filter. 20000km or two years, Trans fluid, brake fluid, anti freeze. 40000km diff oil & power steer fluid.
Feb 20, 2:30am
Well that's a pretty big assumption, which I'd say is wide of the mark for most. You will find that most owners who change their oil regularly also undertake proper preventative maintenance and checks of their vehicle, I.e checking and topping up fluids, checking tyre pressures etc.
Feb 20, 2:37am
Diesel car every 20,000KM or 12 months, that is what the manual says so it must be OK.
Feb 20, 2:39am
Bugger that.
Feb 20, 2:57am
At about 1500 miles in my flathead V8, they get a lot of petrol wash due to the design of the motor with petrol going across the top of the piston, unburnt fuel goes down beside the piston and a certain amount polutes the oil so 1500 miles at the most.
Feb 20, 2:59am
I'm to lazy to do any car maintanance. I just block out the nagging or pretend I did not hear and drive till death. I also have total disregard for fuel and drive foot flat to speed. none of the vehicles I drive are fast. I also do not give a stuff about the environment and only think of myself.
Feb 20, 3:11am
obvious troll is obvious lol
Feb 20, 3:23am
royal purple full synthetic about every 50 miles/80kms. on a drag race engine of course, 10 of them miles are under full acceleration.
Feb 20, 4:04am
5000, Valvoline Durablend 10-40, 4a-fe, work hack, short runs.
Feb 20, 9:49pm
I do my diesels at 5000km and petrols at 10,000 km. Good oil and a filter every second change. I believe with the cost of servicing, manufacurers have got competitive with service intervals - hypotheticaly a new new car buyer may think, "I will buy Brand A, with a longer service interval, because over the 5 years I will own the car I will save x number of services compared with Brand B".
Feb 21, 1:07am
I am actually being serious. BTW
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