Camry or Caldina Wagon? Differences?

mybubbarox, Feb 20, 4:02am
We're looking for a station wagon for a family car, downgrading from a Granvia People mover.
I had a Camry wagon before the Granvia but cant remember why we chose that over the Caldina.

So what are the differences between them!

What about the Fielder(sp)!


sam284, Feb 20, 4:09am
Im no car expert but I do know that the Fielder only has 2 diagonal seat belts in the back, just in case that is a consideration!

mugenb20b, Feb 20, 12:10pm
The Camry is bigger than the Caldina or Corolla (or Fielder as you call it).

richardmayes, Feb 20, 12:43pm
Camry = big car
Caldina = Corona stationwagon = medium-sized car.
Fielder = Corolla stationwagon = small car

kazbanz, Feb 20, 2:36pm
Short version is thatthe camry is BIGand the caldina is barely mid sized

the_don_61, Feb 20, 3:16pm
arnt most camrys a 5 seater!.
You would be looking for the "Secpter"Thats the 7 seater Camry also with a 3000cc engine not 2.2

vtecintegra, Feb 20, 4:17pm
That was just what the older generation (early-mid 90s) Camry wagon was called in Japan, it could come in four or six cylinder and five or seven seats (seven is really 5+ 2 halves, not a lot of room back there)

mugenb20b, Feb 20, 11:01pm
There are Scepters with a 2.2 litre engine as well.

richard198, Feb 20, 11:12pm
You can get some Caldinas in 4WD and some are sportier than the Camrys if you exclude the later model Sportivos Aurion ZR6 with a 3.5L V6. etc.

murdoko, Feb 21, 12:25am
Toyota Mark II Blit. a bit ugly for my liking but it's a toyota and it's RWD.