Is an oil cheeck part of a wof?

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the_art_man, Feb 28, 12:36am
my partner was sold and installed oil day after i done oil change its now over the max level,(and difrent grade oil)what would you do!

mugenb20b, Feb 28, 12:37am
Can you please start again! I'm confused.

chito, Feb 28, 12:37am
Skeaky da english.

mugenb20b, Feb 28, 12:39am
Oh, hang on.I think I get it.

No, oil level is not a part of wof. Major oil leaks are.

mugenb20b, Feb 28, 12:41am
Well, first, I'd take a deep breath.

How far over maximum is the oil level! A centimetre from the full mark!

the_art_man, Feb 28, 12:41am
is an oil cheek part of a warent of fitnes!
will having to much oil in crankcase reck the engine!
how long till damage acurs!
what would you do if your wof station sold and installed litre of difrent oil not asked for that has difrent grade when only going for wof service!

the_art_man, Feb 28, 12:42am
yeah cm

pollymay, Feb 28, 12:43am
Has anyone ever been so far as decided to use even go want to do look more like!

intrade, Feb 28, 12:43am
id punch the guys lights out before he pours it in my engine.

andrea_w, Feb 28, 12:44am
OP - Learn to spell, you're an adult.

fordkiwi27, Feb 28, 12:45am

mugenb20b, Feb 28, 12:45am
OK, I'd do nothing about it. It won't do any harm.

the_art_man, Feb 28, 12:45am
andrea-w, i had a primry school teacher who abused fuk off it makes scince anuff bet you own a txt ph

mugenb20b, Feb 28, 12:46am
How different are these grades! What was put in! What is the requirement!

andrea_w, Feb 28, 12:47am
Try again, in english.

the_art_man, Feb 28, 12:47am
thanks mugenb20b

kazbanz, Feb 28, 12:48am
OK SOOOOyour partner went to a testing station and they ASKEDher if she wanted the oil topped up because it was low, But in fact you had just done an oil change.
Well I'd b3e asking for a refund on the cost of the oil they charged her for at the very least. BUT I'd be triple checking for ceertain the oil is overfull.

the_art_man, Feb 28, 12:49am
5litre reqiured and is what it had., the put an editanol litre on top 10 30w and 15 40w

the_art_man, Feb 28, 12:49am
its well over max line by cm on dipstk

pollymay, Feb 28, 12:49am
I'd be annoyed if they were doing that "we'll top it up for you" thing and tried to put dino on top of my synthetic. Yes I know it burns oil, please feel free not to touch it because my dipstick is an indicator for the LAST litre of oil, not the entire sump.

I vote a late abortion for OP, it's never too late aye!

mugenb20b, Feb 28, 12:51am
15w-40 was mixed with 10w-30! Not a problem.

the_art_man, Feb 28, 12:51am
whats OP!

the_art_man, Feb 28, 12:53am
cheers mugen thanks for your time

chito, Feb 28, 12:53am
Oil Putter

rob_man, Feb 28, 12:56am