Is an oil cheeck part of a wof?

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johnf_456, Feb 28, 1:57am
Original Poster

net_oz, Feb 28, 2:20am
Wipe the dipstick clean with a rag and you'll be sweet.

woki, Feb 28, 2:23am
I would most definitely be going and talking to the boss about it . No point in going in all agro as they will most likely ( justifiably) tell you to go away .
Do let them know you are angry , angry is ok , violent is not .

outbidyou2, Feb 28, 2:25am
this guy cant be this thick, windups my guess. If not, I hope he doesnt have kids

davedave, Feb 28, 2:26am
If you can find the breather block it up.the engine will soon return to its natural oil level by itself.

kazbanz, Feb 28, 1:42pm
"this guy" has bad engrish and grammah but he asks a legit question so whats the problem !

friendly_prawn, Feb 28, 2:28pm
just for those of you that dont know.
The last time I went to get a wof at vtnz, they checked my oil and said it was low and offered to top it up, at cost of course.
It's a newish service they now offer.
Just of note, I declined and topped it up when I got home.
They were right in my case, it was low.

noswalg, Feb 28, 2:32pm
the oil was low in my old corona too, apparently most of it was sprayed over the firewall. I wondered where it had been going!

friendly_prawn, Feb 28, 2:34pm
what caused it to be sprayed over the firewall!

dutchygal, Feb 28, 2:38pm
Like every other business its companion selling where they have to try to increase their sales by offering another product. VTS now offers a basic check, not sure what I think.its oil,water,battery ! For an extra $20 or $25 at time of WOF.Did yourwife get asked if she wanted the extra check.

noswalg, Feb 28, 2:44pm
suffering from terminal 3SFE gasket leakage syndrome, the slanted nature of these engines meant I didn't diagnose it's ailment earlier (very visible from below though)

friendly_prawn, Feb 28, 2:45pm
Shame we couldnt all have a hoist in our garage eh!
Would come in so handy at times just like that.Im going to have one. One day, one day lol

smac, Feb 28, 2:47pm
The problem with this 'service' is exactly the same problem as it being done as part of the AA's pre-purchase inspection.They do it when the engine is hot, so of course the level is low on the dipstick. Top it to the full mark, it's now overfull.

noswalg, Feb 28, 2:50pm
I could put one in my garage only problem is it'd push the car through the roof, my house was built in '59 pity it didn't come with the pit option, just as handy!

friendly_prawn, Feb 28, 2:55pm
Nothing to stop you putting a pit in though is there!

therafter1, Feb 28, 3:11pm
A cm over the full mark isn't going to make a dick of difference !

noswalg, Feb 28, 3:57pm
I think i heard somewhere you can't get building consent's for pits any more, next you'll need consent to jack ya car up!

scoobeey, Feb 28, 5:20pm
Right size socket turn undo not all the way drain off enough and tighten gee that was hard lol

therafter1, Feb 28, 5:51pm
Not worth the dicking around, 200ml will put you a centimetre over in some sumps.

richardmayes, Feb 28, 6:41pm

elect70, Feb 28, 10:27pm
Its just VTNZ trying to extract a few extra $ out of you. When they ask if want a check on fluids& tyre pressuressay no .

ozz1, Feb 28, 11:27pm
as long as theydo notsay " would you like frys " or chips!

craig04, Feb 28, 11:34pm

dave653, Feb 29, 12:09am
Tyres increase in pressure when warm, oil level drops when warm (as said above) do these inspectors know every vehicles specs! Probly not eh! Say no, don't risk your money, it's hard enough to come by, why waste it on 'guesstimations'!

ema1, Mar 3, 1:02am
I'll bet it left puddles of oil on the ground or concrete where you parked, how come they weren't noticed.
I'd get proactive for sure if I saw a lot of oil on the concrete, well I guess lots of folks don't no matter what!