HELP! Ignition light on . wont turn off !

b1anca, Feb 27, 11:54pm
You know the light that glows to show you where to put the key! It wont turn off .

Also the back light in the passengers side wont turn off either .

car is a ford fairmont .

andrea_w, Feb 27, 11:56pm
You have a faulty door switch. probably

b1anca, Feb 27, 11:58pm
Hmmmmm one of the seals is loose on the back door, just went out and slammed it shut to see if that made a diference

Cos it going to make the batt go flat eh!

intrade, Feb 27, 11:58pm
yea if its not off disconnect the minus - therminal overnight.

b1anca, Feb 28, 12:02am
Oh ok buggerrrrrrrrrrrr

owene, Feb 28, 4:19am
Have you checked the cantabulator! If you find it in the left position, rotate it to the right and the dash light will go away.