186 holden Help

huntandgather, Feb 28, 4:00am
battery has full charge, power to starter, turn the key and dash lights come on, try to start and starter motor engages but motor turns real slow like lack of power then dash lights go out and nothing. any ideas ! Thanks

jmma, Feb 28, 4:10am
Test battery, check all leads are clean and tight and make sure earth strap from engine to chassis is clean and tight.
Has any work been done prior to this happening!

huntandgather, Feb 28, 4:16am
Motor is in a van that had been sitting for a little while. when I first fired it it went fine other than it flooded. when I retried to start it It shorted out a earth wire from the battery to the chassis which I have replaced and now have this problem.

jmma, Feb 28, 4:24am
Have you tried another battery or jump start, poss cooked battrey.

huntandgather, Feb 28, 4:28am
Yes tried another battery and also jump start made no difference.

skin1235, Feb 28, 4:31am
try jumper lead direct to starter and bridge the solenoid, earth lead to a bolt on engine

jmma, Feb 28, 4:31am
What condition is the earth strap from battery to chassis, something made the other earth burn out, maybe trying to earth to much because the other ones faulty!

huntandgather, Feb 28, 4:35am
I have not checked the one from the motor to the chassis but the one from battery to chassis is brand new now. will check other one tomorrow.

skin1235, Feb 28, 4:36am
not sure about this earth wire that shorted out
are you saying a wire got rather hot, if so which one,
its a 186, grab the fan and turn the engine, if it has a viscous then grab the crank pully and turn it, by hand generally for 186's but throw a socket on if you need to ( pull the coil centre wire off, just in case you have a feed and it fires up - not likely but a strongarm wizzing round aint going to do the water pump any good

snoopy221, Feb 28, 4:38am
While ya battery may be earthed to the chassis/body-that don't mean the rubber mounted engine getzz any juice.
Check the engine to chassis earth.

snoopy221, Feb 28, 4:39am
Ya betzzz moi 2it.

huntandgather, Feb 28, 4:40am
OK thanks I will check that tomorrow.

jmma, Feb 28, 4:44am
Did the choke cable start smokin!

huntandgather, Feb 28, 4:45am
not that I'm aware of

attitudedesignz, Feb 28, 2:18pm
LOL i learnt that with one of my Minis years ago, choke cable becomes a fusible link.

phalanax, Feb 28, 2:21pm
Sounds to me like your alternators knackered.good battery. some speaker wire .both speaker wires to battery plus then oneto coil plus and other to starter yellow or brown (the smaller plastic covered single.HOOK battery to terminal as normal FIRST.LOL).or battery plus to coil plus single wire. and small screwdriver bridge the starter fat cable to the little wire.lol

modie61, Feb 28, 2:54pm
Dodgy or no earth wire from chassis to engine or battery wrong way round.

edangus, Feb 28, 7:05pm
Voltage reg!

Assuming it has been carried over with original alt.

Use to give me no end of stick on just about every HQ I owned.

mrfxit, Feb 28, 10:00pm
Easy check .
Remove all battery leads from the battery
BOTH Jumper leads ( + - )from battery to starter.(1 - to engine . 1 + to starter
Use a remote switch (don't need much) on the solinoid to run the starter.
(Or a screwdriver across the terminal, but I didn't say that)

mrfxit, Feb 28, 10:03pm
If it turns ok, then reattach the battery leads leaving the jumper leads in place & try using the ign to start it.
If it turns ok, remove the jumper lead of the Starter solenoid only
If it starts ok, remove the earth jumper lead & try again.

andrewph, Mar 2, 1:55am
Remove the end of the earth cable you replaced and sand the area it is bolted too. Sometimes dirt and rust and paint will create high resistance.