Car noise help please

traybon, Feb 29, 12:12am
I have a 1995 Nissan Presea ct ii, only had it a couple of months, Today I drove it home bout 40 mins in rush hour traffic, it started making a loud ticking/screeching noise when I was close to home. I parked up came inside to try work out what to do, decided to take to my local mechanic so went out again started it and the noise had stopped drove it down to the mechanic anyway but no one there to help but it didnt make the noise,.Long shot but any idea what this could be (I am lady so dont have a clue so please excuse the descriptions) thanks heaps

marcos1, Feb 29, 12:15am
I would be tempted to check the coolant level.

therafter1, Feb 29, 12:15am
Any roadworks with stones and stuff !

traybon, Feb 29, 12:18am
I must admit I didnt check the temp when it was making the noise but when I started it again after the 10 minutes I did and it was normal (between h and c)

skin1235, Feb 29, 12:23am
was this noise only when moving, or was it continuous while the engine was running, and if so did it get greater at speed or stay constant

traybon, Feb 29, 12:24am
no stones or road works but I did park on the grass, do I risk driving this car tomorrow I really need to

traybon, Feb 29, 12:25am
the noise was continuous while the engine was running it seemed to stay constant

kazbanz, Feb 29, 1:23am
yout alternator belt is squealing I bet.

skin1235, Feb 29, 2:18am
is there anything you did today that was different to other times you've been driving it

traybon, Feb 29, 2:41pm
no I dont think so was in traffic for about 45 mins due to an accident on the motorway usualy 25 mins straight through. Seems like maybe a fan comes on when a certain temperature reached and this was squealing prob out of the question but that what I wondered anyway

ceebee2, Feb 29, 4:44pm
Turn A/C off and see if noise goes away.

jsbike, Feb 29, 5:03pm
the fan is electric, it wont be that. it will be one for your belts or your brakes.

drew2009, Feb 29, 5:16pm
Has the battery been charging ok and hasnt been going flat! As above it is probably a loose ac or alternator belt or a bad alternator bearing.

traybon, Feb 29, 5:39pm
batttery went flat about 2 weeks ago, jump started it and drove it and has held charge since, very frustrating as if I take it to mechanic when it not making noise he might fix the wrong thing lolo