Best place for fixing broken windows?

ohchloe, Mar 25, 12:17am
Car got broken into the other night and they got in by breaking the rear side window(the triangle shaped small window). Unfortunately not covered for window repairs, does anyone know of a good place to get it fixed for a good price range!


henderson_guy, Mar 25, 12:23am
(I'll get in first)
What colour car!

ontwowheels, Mar 25, 12:25am
i always use novus, and refuse to use smith and smith due to quality of work

whynot7, Mar 25, 12:26am
new world has them is aisle 4. next to pet food

ohchloe, Mar 25, 12:31am
Cheers, do you know the price range!

unbeatabull, Mar 25, 12:32am
Do not take to Smith & Smith, as above, very poor quality of work.

ohchloe, Mar 25, 3:16am
Darn, was thinking of going to one as they're local.

henderson_guy, Mar 25, 3:48am

jmma, Mar 25, 4:20am
Go to the shop with the square ones, they are cheaper, then you cut it from corner to corner and now you have 2 triangle ones. Hey you will have a spare one for next time you break one on your pink Jag (o:

morrisman1, Mar 25, 4:25am
Im the same, Smith and smith seem to break every bit of trim they as much as look at

ohchloe, Mar 25, 5:04am

outbidyou2, Mar 25, 5:06am
have a look down is isle 4

whqqsh, Mar 25, 11:42am
Smith & Smith put a scratch in the missus' Mini just below the back window then denied it was them & said 'must have happened elsewhere'. yet it was driven directly from the painters to them to get windows fitted after new paint job (told her anywhere BUT Smith & Smith but . 'woman'!).
I use Accurate when I need but not sure if theyre out West

unbeatabull, Mar 25, 1:16pm
Not to mention, 99% of all cars that have a leaking window have just had it replaced by Smith & Smith.