This is just wrong! assulting kids etc

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bellky, Mar 25, 10:29pm
And 'handicap'. Lol.

1ollie, Mar 25, 10:34pm
As you can no dout tell from my posting that I care deeply about spelling! lol

bellky, Mar 25, 10:37pm
Actually I hadn't noticed the spelling mistake. I found it more interesting that you would use those words that's all.

pieman33h, Mar 25, 10:52pm
but what kicked it off! remove the blinkers people, the media only shows the stuff that hypes up the news so we watch it! action brings reaction.
So unless the whole story comes out, let the powers that be deal with it

wombletomble, Mar 25, 10:59pm
No Fear bowling over a little cheeky white kid and then a sensitive pom. Wish I was there. Push me O please push me or my kid. what a gutless little hissy fit that bald ugly little METH USING Dick.

smac, Mar 25, 11:03pm
The relevant stuff all appears to be in the clip: there's some history between the two groups, the pom was telling kids to skate through the competition while it was on to disrupt it, they did so, baldy lost his rag.

I do agree with your sentiment though, the trial by media that is bound to occur now doesn't achieve much.

1ollie, Mar 25, 11:19pm
I know what your saying but the media was not involved untill around lunch time today and they have not had a chance to twist it yet so to speak! But yes time will tell what happens

trogedon, Mar 25, 11:24pm
It needs to be a Police issue only.

1ollie, Mar 25, 11:30pm
In a perfect world it would be but unfortunatly.

bellky, Mar 25, 11:57pm
Unfortunately. What!

bellky, Mar 25, 11:58pm
Boy, it's going to be very interesting indeed!

bellky, Mar 26, 12:00am
Anyway, what is 'assulting'!

dezzie, Mar 26, 12:01am
Apparently the dude that did the pushing and shoving is going to be on campbell live tonight.

bellky, Mar 26, 12:18am
Was just on One News now. Somebody Platt or something. Hope he gets charged.

wrong2, Mar 26, 12:24am
its obvious the guy on the skateboard knew / had been warned

little shite got served , but you cant discipline them now -& then they grow up to be 1ollie's kind of crybaby who think its "assault"

trdbzr, Mar 26, 12:24am
Craig Platt

bellky, Mar 26, 12:28am
Yeah^ And actually the two adults are going to be 'squaring off live' on Close Up tonight. Lol.

bellky, Mar 26, 12:28am
The kid was 13 though man.

ninja_man, Mar 26, 12:29am
so its ok for an adult to push a kid to the ground! i dont think so. The man should be charged with assault.

wrong2, Mar 26, 12:33am
ive seen kids totally deserving of behaviour adjustment

everyone here has

aragorn2003, Mar 26, 12:48am
And thats the way to go about it! Adults are suppose to act like adults not thugs regardless of what the kids were or werent doing

I take it you'd stab a kid for tagging on your fence!

ninja_man, Mar 26, 1:00am
so you would knock a kid to the ground just because he's doing something wrong!

male_timaru, Mar 26, 1:13am
I'm not like that usually - yeah right - anyone for a TUI billboard there!

whqqsh, Mar 26, 1:21am
video is too short IMO, what circumstances led up to this 'event'! if the dude did just rush out & shove the kid without warning then sure it was way over the top. but Ive worked doors & security at similar events & Id like to see the preceding 20 minutes or so

male_timaru, Mar 26, 1:25am
it's been shown on campbell live now

he admitted over-reaction, but honestly - looks like greasing to get off a charge to me .