This is just wrong! assulting kids etc

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rob_man, Mar 26, 1:26am
That unhealthy looking drink of water that organised the event is Aja Rock's ex.

male_timaru, Mar 26, 1:30am
Here's how i look at it


ofive, Mar 26, 3:00am
i agree, F*G needs a punch in the face also.

wrong2, Mar 26, 3:42am
god do i love the internet, & its ability to produce melodrama over-reactions

it was just a kid getting shoved off from doing what he shouldnt. probablly knew to keep out as well

nil violence

nil assault

a Lot more kids need to be taught right from wrong besides the one in this video. the disgrace will be if this guy gets charged over it

kingfisher21, Mar 26, 3:50am
Yup, if it was the USA that particular one probably would of been shot. Little shits get away with too much and are as arrogant as ^*#$ More to the skate park incident than is being shown I'd say.

ofive, Mar 26, 12:26pm
Yer and i bet you bash ya wife/kids and say there was more to that. "o i were provoked' No excuses for doing what he did.

skin1235, Mar 26, 1:25pm
there was also no excuse for the shinny dude telling those kids it was okay to skate through that area and disrupt an organised event
he basically set the kids up, the video was on the errant kid not the organised event, so in that manner the whole thing was staged, the errant kid was being provocative, but not on his own bat, he was put there by a 'responsible' adult, he hadn't entered that area until the dude told them to go there and when others responded in the expected fashion naturally there was a vid running
if anyone needed a thump it wasn't the kid and it wasn't the dude in the brown shirt

bellky, Mar 26, 2:43pm
Looks like a ratbag lol.

therafter1, Mar 26, 4:36pm
Wrong ! . it doesn??

likit, Mar 26, 4:37pm
I bet they ALL drive Skylines too

pollymay, Mar 26, 4:59pm
Pussy post of the year.

It's hardly assault. I think the guy is a cock but get real, I've seen worse "assaults" from 4 year olds clocking someone in the family jewels. There is bruised and glowing egos alike but to say it's assault, huh!

bellky, Mar 26, 5:22pm
That is assault in anyone's language. I can't believe you disagree.

pollymay, Mar 26, 5:42pm
The legal definition of "someone hurt my emotional bubble" or the real world definition of actually going in to do real harm. You could blow hard and a skateboarder would fall over.

Besides I don't really care, it's was a collective of stupidity from the organisers to the kids stirring the pot. I'm dumber for even having hear them talk on close up.

bellky, Mar 26, 5:43pm
Yep, agree there.

h2oldragon, Mar 26, 6:12pm
Those "kids" refered to in this conversation. Were they the 6 year olds that the young adult in the green shirt was repeatedly skating through as they were competing!
There is a lot more to this story than the staged situation in the vid.
How many times was the young adult asked politely not to skate in the park untill the comp was finished!
Yes the guy well and truely overreacted.There is no question there but again the situation isn't just a case of a big adult running over and assaulting a child.

therafter1, Mar 26, 6:40pm
The circumstances are not relevant, there are only limited circumstances in which we can determine that we are judge jury and executioner and this situation wasn??

evotime, Mar 26, 7:08pm
The little teenage snots were trying to be cool, they got served by someone bigger than them to stop them skating through a group smaller than them. They were trying to be cool now look like tossers.
Will the guy be charged- yeah I'd say so, Really just a storm in a tea cup, media beat up

h2oldragon, Mar 26, 7:10pm
So basicly trial by media yet again.

wrong2, Mar 26, 8:27pm
thats where your wrong, especially if it was just a shove to wake his ideas up

the guy has said these teens were talked too & they were disrupting the event

he didnt king hit the teen, he didnt knock him out or kick him around. it was a shove & it probablly was deserved

ninja_man, Mar 26, 8:39pm
the bald guy went the wrong way about it. should have got security to remove the teens from the skate park. Shoving them to the ground is not the way to go about it. Could have been alot worse if the kid landed on his head.

ninja_man, Mar 26, 8:41pm
so if one of your children is doing something wrong, are you going to shove them onto the ground!

pitchey, Mar 26, 8:50pm
Did the guy in the brown shirt go too far showing a "kid" off a skate board! I'd say so, Yes.

Can any of us actually prove how old this "kid" was!
No, heck he could have been 12 or 18 for all we know.

Was this event badly organised!
I'd say Yes, but again, none of us were there, all of this information is from what we've seen on line and via the media.

What always amazes me is that people will cry foul about something like this, and then follow it up with something like "He's lucky I wasn't there I would have smashed his face in/hit him with a skateboard/bashed him etc. etc."

Double standard much!

smac, Mar 26, 8:53pm
Exactly, I stayed out of this once the keyboard warriors showed up.
Anyone who ever says "he can't do that, if I'd been there I would have." quite simply doesn't even understand why it was wrong in the first place. Grow up, your kids are watching everything you do.

ninja_man, Mar 26, 8:55pm
the kid was 13. Giving kids spray cans to graffiti on the park surely isn't sending them the right message

bellky, Mar 26, 8:57pm
Those guys were a shame. Boofheads and druggies by the looks.