Whats the worst bit of driving you have ever seen?

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bashfulbro, Mar 21, 4:39am
Johnf.have a look at theIMPORTANT note atbottom of this page, regarding following distance, you may learn something.
Page from LTNZ website.

johnf_456, Mar 21, 4:42am
I was talking about people failing to giveway entering YOUR lane not following distance. sorry, so nothing to learn here. I never mentioned following distance at all because I am talking about giving way which you have to do under all circumstances while changing lanes. Following distances do not change the fact of giving way.

Following distance is unrelated to giving way changing lanes. It does not give you right of entry changing lanes. But yes you are correct on the following distances even though its not relevant to giving way while changing lanes. Reading is good sometimes.

bcbuilding, Mar 21, 12:46pm
This weeks stupidest driver in Wanganui goes to the prado driver hugging the centre line and indicating right who then proceeded to turn left as the queue behind him was passing him on the left.Guess the RH rule freaked him out.

And the guy in the VS Commodore who is living in a time warp and thinks the RH rule has already changed.Angry man that fulla, with the right of way, he waited about 5 seconds then turned, passing up the LEFT side of my car.Idiot.I'd have been happy to turn right in front of him, but I figured I'd wait for the traffic that was passing him to clear.

Looking forward to monday.

cybertao, Mar 21, 1:55pm
If the drivers in a lane are all keeping a safe following distance then there is plenty of room to merge.

johnf_456, Mar 21, 2:20pm
Yes but you still giveway

jeffqv, Mar 21, 3:12pm
Love to see that in reality!

bashfulbro, Mar 21, 3:13pm
John, i believe that tailgating is , THEmain cause of all the problems on Motorways in NZ. Kiwi drivers seem to have an obsession with it.
The daily traffic jams are mainly due to idiots, traveling far too close, not allowing traffic merging from on rampsto do so. The millions of dollars spent on the ramps lights were a foolish waste, they work well overseas, but never will here.It`s noticeable, that when they are switched off, the traffic always flows better.

johnf_456, Mar 21, 4:41pm
That is only the tip of the iceberg, not to mention some people trying to join a motorway at 60 or 70k causing motorway traffic to slow. As a personal preference please don't call me john.

ema1, Mar 22, 12:28am
Panel beaters and insurance companies no doub't will be too.

wrong2, Mar 22, 1:20am
so get a nana mobile that suits your driving style

your feeling hurt at getting overtaken will probablly be less when your not controllinga 4-wheeledego affirmation

serf407, Mar 22, 2:24pm
Napier Taupo - through the Kaingaroa Forest. Back quite a few years ago. The speed at which vehicles approach each other were quite high for a NZ 'country' road and then add in overtaking.

clanky, Mar 22, 2:39pm
Numerous examples - the one that annoys me the most is those that pull out onto a SH, right in front of you when you are doing 100 kph, and then don't accelerate to the speed limit, forcing you to brake and then speed up to the limit again later. The people on the SH have the right of way, not the dork pulling out. Oh, and if you do, put your bloody foot down - the small amount of petrol you use accelerating is bugger all compared the the cost of the petrol the 25 cars you've slowed down will have to use to get back up to road speed.

i-n-horz, Mar 22, 3:46pm
No bikes!.c'mon people everyone b!tches about how dangerous they (riders) are.or are they really!.they take the gaps with relatively more ease than a car, can overtake in seconds and slip through jams like butter.maybe folk just get p!ssed off for one reason and one reason only.freedom ;)

ryans, Mar 22, 4:21pm
I remember going up Queen Street and the phasing of the lights meant we kept catching a red light at every intersection.
That's not so bad, but this stupid woman on a scooter kept filtering to the front, then riding extremely slowly and being passed by traffic, until we got to the next light, when she filtered to the front again.
She got passed atleast 4 times like that, pissing people off.

paulap, Mar 22, 4:33pm
Lady coming out of side road. Dangerous corner anyway in a 100kph area. Looked to her left and was talking to her passenger. Never looked right and pulled out in front of me into my lane heading towards me. She was now on the wrong side of the road. How I missed her I will never know. I braked heavily and then realised I was going to hit her. Stopped braking and I veered right. She was stilltalking and hadn't seen me. How she missed the side/ back end of my car I will never know. It was pure luck I managed to avoid her because I am sure I don't have driving skills like that every day. And I was also blessed that no one was coming the other way around that blind corner. I spent hours crapping myself thinking about the damage I could have done to the kids in the back of her car if I had hit her. That was the closest I have ever been to a nasty accident and I hope that is as close as I ever get. It was only centimetres in it when I veered right.She ended up stopped over both lanes and I ended up sideways over the left lane as I had to veer back to my lane in case someone came around the corner. She bailed as soon as she saw and probably heard the words "you stupid ******* b**** " come out of my mouth.

trogedon, Mar 22, 11:48pm
Worse piece of driving (riding) today; I was waiting on the median strip to turn right into a side road (we were on the main road) when Mr Gangmember/WW2 helmet rides up my left hand side and turns right across the front of our car into the road I was driving into. A person could??

ema1, Mar 23, 1:22am
No unless you want to be charged on "whatever" with intent!

trogedon, Mar 23, 1:40am
I never used the word "whatever" so who are you quoting. If someone had accelerated faster than I did Mr Nazihelmet would've hit the curb.

patiki1, Mar 23, 1:41am
Driving around the Clendon roundabout and some asian woman coming towards me in the wrong direction.

i-n-horz, Mar 23, 3:13am
Now if that was a car or even worse.a truck!.everyone would've been everywhere all over the curb.
Why would you want to accelerate!.because he was going the same direction as you but get'n there quicker!.or because he broke the law and you didn't like that trog!.did you forget to mention you had to take evasive action to avoid an accident or no action was necessary!
What was your motivation to have such a compulsive reaction towards the fatmanharleyboy potentially ending in a detrimental situation for the nazidavidson rider had you acted uncontrollably.
I'm sure he wouldn't even be able to recall the episode if he had to.just another day in the elements.

ema1, Mar 23, 4:47am
Whatever .meaning "forcing"him into the curb troggie.
But then again he'd still be pinged for doing what he did .right!
Dangerous and annoying as it puts more than himself at risk, but Mr Nazi Helmet wouldn't think of that.
Just be careful out there,( Hill Street Blues.).whatever happens.!

scruff71, Mar 23, 5:09am
I moved further right at a single lane roundabout to allow a 4WD to turn left, or so I thought - after all he was indicating left - and the sneaky beggar passed to the left of me straight through the roundabout in the direction I would eventually head if I hadn't used the remaining morsel of consideration and respect for other motorists and moved over!Had we moved off at the same time there would have been an intimate moment halfway through the roundabout!It has changed my view of traffic indicating left at roundabouts who try to split the lane.Good luck Sunday with the new rules.

merrilegs, Mar 23, 1:21pm
Not the worst I have seen but recently in all the wet weather, saw a car with a guy lying on the bonnet holding on to the door frame with one hand and he wasoperating a windscreenwiper for the driver with the other. Wiper not attached to the car.! Car probably travelling at around 70 kmh. unbelievable or perhaps not! Idiot.

dann2, Mar 23, 2:18pm
Driving down norwestern motoway a few weeks back about 7am Sat morning and l could see headlightsahead on the verge. 3 lanes of traffic heading towards them and then the dumbass decided to do a 3 point turn on a 3 lane motorway as we all got closer. Every one had to stop real fast as they finished their last turn and waved as they carried onback the way they came which was at least a k from the Pt Chev offramp. Some people should just take the bus .

843, Mar 23, 3:01pm
Dont know about worst but some drivers are totally ignorant.

HOW can you forget to indicate at roundabouts.

EVEN truck drivers