is there a noticeable difference in running your car on 98 over 91. If so what is it and are you going to get more milage out of it
Mar 28, 5:14pm
What sort of car do you drive and what engine is it!
Mar 28, 5:19pm
2004 toyota cladina. I have been running on 91 but have been told it should be running 98
Mar 28, 5:20pm
you will probably find that you get better milage out of 98. Try it for yourself, do the math, post the results back here
Mar 28, 5:31pm
if its the turbo model i would be running 96 or 98. If its just a standard caldina, 91 will be just fine.
Mar 28, 7:03pm
If its a D4 engine it should defintly be on 98.
Mar 28, 7:20pm
Wife has just bought a new car (as in brand new) and has been told she HAS TO run it on 98.
Mar 28, 7:25pm
Again, depends on what type of car is it. What did she buy!
Mar 28, 7:30pm
even the crappiest of cars Ive owned always get slightly better mileage out of 95 instead of 91 so 91 is kinda false economy really
Mar 28, 7:37pm
Yup, I've owned everything from little 1300cc cars through to V8s, have always had better mileage on 95/98. Performance isn't really different unless its a turbo'd, high compression, or big displacement.
Mar 28, 8:02pm
better mileage on the 95octane . Tried it in Ford BA wagon ,heaps easier to drive and more ks to the tank. You dont have to put your foot down as much.
Mar 28, 8:12pm
i have a 02 skyline 2.5i get 1100kms to a tank 91. on 98 i get1000kmscar does run better on 98.
Mar 28, 9:37pm
Too much tui!
Mar 28, 9:42pm
I get that much when I talk crap too.
Mar 28, 9:56pm
Did you turn the entire boot space into fuel tank!
Mar 28, 10:07pm
My car is a little turbo hatch, fairly hot but standard, and it runs a little better on 98 than 95. Never tried 95.
Mar 28, 10:09pm
Higher octane petrol is required to prevent preignition in high compression or boosted engines. All the vehicles we own are Naturally Aspirated and the highest compression ratio is 9.4:1 in the 12A. We only use 91 Octane and get better milage out of 91 per dollar spent by far.
I've never experienced any problems except one summer when the weather was hot and the quality of gas must have been poor and I had some 'pinging' in the 9:1 v8; I used 96 Octane for a while and then went straight back to 91.
My experience is contrary to what most will say on here. The fact is there is the same amount of 'bang' in 91 as 96/98, the only difference are the preignition inhibiters or stabilisers or aromatics or what ever you want to call them.
Mar 28, 10:11pm
Ya better mileage is one thing, further for each dollar spent is another.
Mar 28, 10:15pm
thats nowhere near a "fact"
every car ive tested runs better on 98 compared to 91. hows that for a "fact"
some not only experience better running, but also better Km/L - hows that for a "fact"
my opinion is that the only engines in NZ that should run our shoddy 3rd world 91 brew are to be found cutting grass
Mar 28, 10:16pm
2012 Ford Focus Trend - 2 litre petrol in auto.
Picks it up saturday.
I just wouldn't have thought a 2 litre Focus needed that higher octane petrol!
Mar 28, 11:52pm
The old mans 2010 v8 calais is run on 91. That is what is in the manual.
Mar 29, 1:47am
Might have been converted to twin tank model or he could get towed a lot
Mar 29, 1:55am
98s a pain in the butt - can't get it everywhere.
We run both our cars on 95 - Turbo Legacy and 2005 Mitsi Galant. Galant gets much better mileage on 95
Mar 29, 2:16am
Exactly! But she is worried if she doesn't run the prescribed octane fuel it may void the warranty. Guess we will have to find a local station and just use that one. Dunno how we will manage on a trip.
Mar 29, 2:26am
Read the manual - I suspect the dealer is yanking your chain.
I suspect 95 will be fine.
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