And how much is it to insure/rego your car for 12 months in Aussie (nsw,qld)! Our petrol is high because its taxed quite a lot. ACC money doesn't appear out of thin air, and aussie is looking at copying new zealands ACC system as pubic liability insurance is bloody expensive in aussie. Our cousins have gone a bit sue crazyjust like the yanks and its costing business's. Also, aussie is about 17 times bigger than us, so maybe petrol should be 17 timescheaper. Im happy to pay more if as i dont travel anywhere as much as i used to living in Adelaide.
Apr 9, 2:55pm
I have just returned from an Easter Break in Rotorua and 1 litre of 91 octane was between $2.03 and $2.08,so if they can sell it at that price then why can't the rest of NZ!
Apr 9, 4:01pm
well newzealand used to have petrol 40% cheaper then europe in the 1990s now it cost the same or more at times. We where a island in the 1990s and where are one now same with animal meat products, prices went up when there was foot and mouth deseas in europe and it came down in europe and in nz it just staid high ever since.
Apr 9, 4:33pm
too much tax on fuel
Apr 9, 4:48pm
Just come back from UK. Petrol (95, 97 and 99 - no 91) ranges from about £1.35 to £1.50 per litre (about $2.70 - $3.00) and diesel is between £1.56 and £1.70 per litre (about $3.10 to $3.40), so I think thery're slightly more expensive than us. Also, while cars are cheaper, the cost of insurance (legal requirement) is ENORMOUS - 1.6 litre Ford Focus (big engined one) is about $2000 per annum for the cheapest and if you are a restricted licence holder, under 25 years, it will be between $5000 and $10000 per year - that's if you can get insurance below 21. So, all in all, it's not too bad here. And don't forget, milk is more expensive.
Apr 9, 4:52pm
Now, that can't be right. If everyone is insured it must be cheaper because it spreads the burden across more people. That's the logic people here use to try and introduce CTP. Are you saying it's bollocks!
Apr 9, 4:53pm
clanky lets be honest uk is worse then switzerland for prices. I paid 6 pound in 2001 for a cup of coffee at travalga square or what ever it was called . You should post what money they earn and how mutch it cost in a small town village for stuff in uk.
NZ down under out of the way a small population if anything goes badly wrong. we are the new world order's guinea pig test case Country. send us all the shyte policys and backwards idea's. If it goes wrong who cares, they're way down under and only a small population
Apr 9, 8:42pm
10 years ago, the dollar was at 39c to the US$. Just imagine what the price will be once the dollar falls to more 'normal' levels. Somethings out of kilter - we have near record high pump prices and near record high NZ$.
Apr 11, 2:13pm
The insurers work on risk, so, if you are below 25 (when most people have accidents), you get stung. The only way they can prevent 'boy racers' is to limt the size/power of the car they drive. My son pays $800 per month for a bog standard Audi A3 (fairly normal car in UK) for full cover at 26 yo. If you are below 25, they won't insure you unless you drive something around 1.0 litres engine size - hence the 'hot hatch'. Women get lower premiums - better drivers - but there is no ACC. Also, rego is based on engine size/emissions - bigger/more = $$$$$$. Rego ranges between $0 and $1000 (approx) for 'nomal' cars. Median salary in UK now about $70,000 with the current exchange rate.
Apr 11, 3:06pm
john key said when hellen clarker was the priminister that He would remove or lower gst from fuel if it went to 2.10$ . what he did do is rais gst from 12.5% to 15% not that hellen would have done any different they all lie and should be lynched like in the good old days or what do you think should happene with constant lyers!
Apr 11, 10:30pm
At least thecommodity speculators are out ofthe oil game nowso we cant blame them anymore .Price of crude has droppedsince they were forced to actuallybuy the oil& not justplay with the price .
Apr 12, 1:48am
The end of oil speculation is nearly at hand me thinks. Criticism of it is rising at a very high rate over in the US. Good on the Senate for actually acting on this matter, FINALLY
gas is on the way up because somone in the world pays loads we have to also here , that was hell-en clarkistans logical explenation as to why we should be happy to get ripped.
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