Do you not find it strange that our dollar is quite strong at the moment, buying 80c aust. and 81c usa but our petrol is $2.19/litre. Last week the media gave us doom and gloom about petrol prices. the supermarkets ie new world etc are giving 25c per litre off if you spend 200 bux in their fine establishment. Also this weekend the same supermarkets were closed for 2 days, good friday and easter sunday so a rush to get the 25 cent discount would certainly help their weekend profit with 2 days take missing would it not !Who is actually controlling petrol prices !I have just got off the phone with my brother in Coolum, 1 1/2 Hrs north of Brisbane, the petrol is $1.41 this weekend, goes to a high of near $1.61 during the week and back down most weekends. Even with the exchange rate we dont have a very good petrol price do we.I ask again, Who do you think is actually controlling petrol prices !
Apr 9, 3:32am
i was in australia the price of lpg there has gone up from 56 cent to 90 cent australien also that is over 30 cent per liter. its aripoff no matter where you go on the planet greed rules the world.
Apr 9, 3:32am
Try buying it in the Uk or Ireland.Three times what we pay here.
Apr 9, 3:33am
SATAN! lol
Apr 9, 3:35am
No. It's cheaper.
Apr 9, 3:36am
the government wants prices the higher the better. thy say we have to have prices like the rest of the world . so how come did we put Gst up to 15% from 12.5 instead of down to 10% like the rest of the world= australia! the answer is the same Greed on power .The usa wants to tell every one in the world what they can and cant do. i would say that is actuarly terror what they do.
Apr 9, 3:43am
Maybe so, but wages are also higher in UK.
Apr 9, 3:44am
yes way higher and cars cost a fraction to buy in uk as to what they cost here.
Apr 9, 3:46am
What about the living costs!
Apr 9, 3:50am
getting off the track folks, not talking bout Ireland here, its about NZ and OZ and supermarkets methinks.
Apr 9, 3:54am
not the law abiding citizen that's for sure. we are just on a very long rollercoaster ride.
Apr 9, 3:57am
Na , a rollercoaster always comes back to where it started , ours goes up 10 steps down 8 then up eleven and down 5 etc etc, we all get dizzy and throw up but there the similarity ends.
Apr 9, 3:58am
i tell you smething strange . plain yoghurt in this country costs about 6 $ per kg now that clearly is a huge ripoff, but there is a yoghurt that costs 2.30 per kg its caled gopola and packandsave and newworld stock it these 2 are both the same company but makes you wonder as that price is the true fair price for a product like this and not 6$ or more for the same thing with a different name on the lable. Water 10 liter is 8$ in australia where they hardly got water its 4$ australien for the 10 liter packs
Apr 9, 4:56am
And I'll say it again, the price of a 4 litre pack of oil has never changed. y!
Apr 9, 5:13am
Try $2.32 for 91 in Westport
Apr 9, 5:19am
I used to pay $7 on special. What is it now!
Apr 9, 5:21am
Do you think the petrol stations are making heaps of profit because of the discount vouchers! Im pretty sure its the supermarket that takes the cost of the discount voucher, its a major incentive to spend lots of money at one supermarket so you no longer need to shop at its competitors, hence take market share and revenue away from competitors. The government is the one controlling the price mostly with their taxes, the petrol companies cant radically change the price beacuse of small changes in the exchange rate.
Apr 9, 5:22am
$7 apparently.
Apr 9, 5:23am
premium 100 octane was NZD$0.39 a litre in dubai when i was there last september
Apr 9, 5:26am
Except upward.
Apr 9, 5:28am
That can't be right. Oil is sold by auction just like milk solids. They should be paying the auction prices like we are expected to for dairy. Unless. that's all bollocks!
Apr 9, 5:30am
OK folks send money to this account and I will start producing the peoples fuel, free from greedy companies. 06-0969-086647-00 thank you.
Apr 9, 5:30am
Oh, and I know it's sold predominantly on futures markets. I was being facetious.
Apr 9, 5:32am
The UK price is "only" $NZ2.68 a litre at the moment so we are almost at parity.
Apr 9, 1:38pm
USA was $3.40 to $4.40 US a gallon three weeks ago. So cheap and they're adding fuel surcharges and bitching about the price.
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