- Dim drivers driving with parking lights on! - People reversing across busy road from their driveway. - No indicating - Driving slow on the overtaking lane on a motorway - Overtakers who slam the brakes and turn away.
Mar 23, 10:50pm
i love this thread, had me cracking up and its all soooo true! i hate people that dont make sure there is enough room on the other side of the lights and the lights change to red, meanwhile they are stuck in the middle of an intersection and no one else can get through on there turn.
And cyclists that ride side by side on country roads, its a bloody death wish!
Mar 24, 2:37am
Do we have an idiot bumping old threads.!
Mar 24, 4:15am
People who don't use their indicators correctly, or at all. People who brake before an intersection even though the lights are green. People who feel like they've been insulted when they get passed, who feel like someone pushed in, feel like they should be infront (merge like a zip you bastards). Those who tailgate someone doing the speed limit, then back off, then tailgate again. People who piss around with their stereo, do their hair/makeup or get on their phone when they're driving (do it all at the lights or pull off the road). Tradies, Couriers, Taxis and Bus drivers. I know you guys have somewhere to be and a schedule to keep, but the rest of us want to get home alive and with our cars in one piece. People who drive with both hands ont he top of their wheel and are leaning foward/up to see over them. People who move over or stick to the left lane when someone is trying to move onto the motorway. Also when 2 cars are moving onto the motorway from an on-ramp, the one behind moves over and cuts the car infront off. Most old people. I'm sorry, but you're slow, are all over the road, barely ever indicate, don't know the road rules and generally don't seem to have a clue where you're going. Those who don't consider others on the road or think of a 'what if' situation. People who don't check their blind spots and/or assume because you're indicating that any car that *could* be there will back off. Most cyclists. You do NOT have right of way just because you're on a bike, we share the roads so the same road rules apply to you!
Mar 24, 4:43am
Cyclists driving is annoying. Get outta the way or I gonna mow you down!
Mar 24, 1:45pm
Speeddoesn't kill the sudden impact does :-)
Mar 24, 1:48pm
I hate when people dont indicate at round abouts
Mar 24, 9:11pm
Cyclists and motorcyclists are not driving! They are riding! Your comment is obsolete! This thread is about "Common driving habits that drive me nuts",
Mar 24, 10:14pm
Why do drivers stop with their rear wheels on the line at give ways or stop signs! Or keep on creeping forward there. Sometimes I wish I had a dozer blade on the front for those types.
Mar 24, 11:21pm
Bloody hell'''''&- #39;''Puts one off driving,never realised so many angry drivers out there
Mar 24, 11:36pm
I don't mind when ppl go to cut me off on roundabout exits
But their cars DO mind when they get caught by the bull bars on my truck
Mar 27, 4:31am
People in bigvans or 4wds that stick the whole front end out of the line to check for traffic to go onto the road,effectively blocking out your view as well,when you want to go in the other direction.They are high enough as it is to see!
Mar 27, 2:56pm
Depends on what direction they are turning in to
Mar 27, 2:58pm
LMAO whats up with all the holes in this thread . theres more gaps in here then my last pair of work jeans
Mar 27, 3:31pm
Yep bus drivers drive me mad as well, ive been cut off only a couple of times, its blatent it makes my face red and steam come out of my ears.
Mar 27, 3:50pm
135 posts, basically all of the redneck 'I'm the boss and youall should know it' type does the word tolerance even exist in your vocab let alone function in your lives, especially when behind the wheel - the one place where your impotent rage only bounces off the windscreen and back at you, the 'other driver' ( just as intolerant) has no idea what you're saying, and cares even less wonder if thet is a huge part of the problem - too many private laws that only relate to the vehicle you're driving, ever considered that if you pull back a bit you'll actually only lose 2 or maybe 3 minutes of your incredibly valuable time, you may even gain time, certainly gain enough to continue living a few more years- although that may not be a bonus to everyone else if you insist on driving in the same fashion forever, but anyone elses benefit is not your concern eh
Mar 27, 4:01pm
Impatient drivers. Always honking, always tailgating, always squeezing between your car and the kerb.
Mar 27, 4:15pm
I'm glad this thread was bumped, because I missed this answer.Which is just the most muppet answer I've ever heard.
If I'm driving 90kph and the car following is only wanting to do 80kph, why for the love of hannah are they wanting to overtake me!Hang tight, I'm moving faster than them and they'll soon have all the vision they need!
And it still bloody happens.Drives me mental.
Best one was a little silver hatchbach on SH2 Tauranga-Auckland.Drove at variable speeds of 60-85kph.So I went to overtake them when a passing lane came along.Wowwee, you'd think the devil was on his heels, off he went at 110.I fell back in behind and he resumed the 60-85kph variable speed again.Why!Please why!
Mar 27, 4:20pm
Cyclists in rush hour, that ride up the side of traffic stopped on a red on a hill, perch right in front of the car at the front of the queue, when lights go green they move painfully slow crawling up the hill while everyone else behind has to follow the ignorant F#%* wit. Get out the way or get in the queue
Mar 30, 6:16pm
its as if the paint is going to puncture there tyres.
Mar 30, 7:34pm
You might always just be in the way.
Apr 10, 4:37am
Others! Why is it that drivers want to change lanes but dont want to use their indic ators! Why is it that drivers will push pass you when two lanes merge but the same driver will let a car in if they are stopped and the car is coming out of a side road or even a driveway. Why do people hug the white line as if it is a wer they need to place their drivers side wheels! Also dashcam those txting idots. And finally my back bumper is not for mating.
Apr 10, 4:45am
People who slow down a fair bit before indicating a turn.
People who indicate a turn about 20s or more before the intended turning point, and slow to turning speed at the same time.
People who indicate a turn when the road is going that way anyway; there is no option.
People who stop (and force the 50 cars behind them to stop) to let one car in at a side road, where that car hasn't been waiting long.
People who don't have much idea how wide their vehicle is, and stop whenever a gap looks a little tight.
People who don't know by how much their speedo over-reads, and who drive 20k below the limit. EXCEPT when there is a passing lane.
Apr 10, 4:54am
People who overtake my van and trailer on the motorway (which is fine, I'm only doing 90), but then slow down to 80 in front of me. WHY!
Apr 10, 5:01am
PEOPLE WHO wont go at a roundabout despite the car next to them going.i mean WTF! if they were going to get hit, the car would have to come THROUGH the car next to them.dumbos
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