That intersection is an immensely frustrating one. Many people become impatient, chance it and have a crash.
Jun 9, 2:44am
Carpark stalkers - holding up traffic behind becausethey saw a person arrive at their car to leave.
If I see someone stalking me these days I will generally take my time to make them look more like a prick, and have also pulled out and then pulled back in pretending that I have left something in the mall.
Jun 9, 3:45am
Or you could show a little respect for people and quit faffing about. Get in your vehicle and bugger off up the road. Perhaps someone is late to a doctor's appointment or to pick up their kid and they really need a park NOW. But, no, some controlling duckhead is going to have a little mean pleasure in making them wait.
Come on, TM, please provide a middle finger emoticon.
Jun 11, 6:36am
Want to see a manipulative, passive-aggressive prock! Have a good look in a mirror.
Jun 11, 7:11am
I got to agree with echriath on this one. Yourbehaviour is quite bizarre to say the least.
Jun 12, 4:16am
I never usnderstand drivers who sit in a right turning lane at traffic lights and its only when the lights go green that they flick the indicators on.Really! Did I think they were going straight ahead!
Jun 12, 4:21am
anyone driving while im on the road
Jun 12, 4:31am
People going into their driveways slowing down off a main street or road feel the need to turn out just before they turn in like they think they are driving an 18 wheeler or something. And people in lesser cars that think they have the power to overtake a truck on a passing lane and use the entire lane up to do it without even putting their foot down properly in their underpower heap of crap.
Jun 12, 4:32am
Yes, well, true enough. On the other hand, the pinheads who are in a single lane with a line of traffic behind them at a light but wait till it turns green to indicate annoy me. Because, what! We all knew they were planning to turn! Then why bother with the signal at all!
Jun 12, 4:34am
Yes, or anyone turning when there's a turn lane provided yet they fail to bother to get into it.
Jun 12, 4:34am
Hahaha, yes, well, fair enough.
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