Common driving habits that drive me nuts, got any

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mustangsally2, Apr 10, 5:01am
Courier drivers who dont like stopping for red lights and bus drivers who just pull straight out from the kerb in front of traffic.

tonyrockyhorror, Apr 10, 5:11am
Retards that turn into the furthest lane of a multilane road rather than the closest.

tonyrockyhorror, Apr 10, 5:11am
turn into the furthest lane of a multilane road rather than the closest.

johnf_456, Apr 10, 5:17am
Don't forget cyclist running reds.

mustangsally2, Apr 10, 5:18am
Yep, they piss me off too.

nightboss, Apr 10, 5:26am
Drivers that are unable to maintain a steady speed. If you are slow, be consistently slow. You are easier to pass if you allow difference between yourself and the limit where safe to pass.

pollymay, Apr 10, 5:31am
Overtaking, cutting you off then they jam on the brakes to turn off.

Enter the roundabout, THEN turning on your indicator halfway through turning right and expecting me to not just blow you off pulling the finger cause I had already pulled out.

People who have a go at me for speeding and being unsafe and they're on 165 tyres on a fullsize van or something completely retarded. Not so much a habit as I just hate such people.

People who fill up their car, stand there the whole time during peak time. Then when they are done filling get in the car and start texting while sitting at the pump or some other distraction rather than getting out of the way. You had the whole time you were standing next to the pump, but no.

Hugging the centreline on massively wide roads, why!

At peak traffic times insisting on turning right and spending 10 minutes doing it rather than just going left and taking the next right then going around the block or alternative route etc

People who swing their doors wide open while loading their kid into the car rather than waiting a little for a clear spot then getting angry you get so close to their kid they just dragged by the hand into traffic, good parenting.

Anyone that dawdles at busy intersections when the light goes green, I don't care if you save 0.00000001 of a litre accelerating slowly, I just wasted 10 litres sitting in traffic cause of tools like you.

The ones that want you parking space so park 2 inches off your bumper to get it then you can't reverse out and they won't move to let you out. Well done, good thinking ahead.

People who get a blowout so decide to change it right where they pulled over half hanging out on the road, just pull right off the road kthx

Ones that get too close to my manual cars (or truck/trailer) on steep hills, yes I know I'm capable of taking off without rolling back but you are not making this easier with 1 inch of freeplay.

There is more but most things people do actually annoy me. However I drive a tank and give them hell, beyond that I don't care if they want to drive into my door cause they will be paying for some nice new paint for me.

sw20, Apr 10, 5:54am
and then have the audacity (under the old rules) to give you the bird with one hand and hard on the horn with the other as they cut across my bow.

flitt, Apr 10, 6:02am
My addition.

People who think they are a carriage in a train, and haven't the courtesy to let a car in at no disadvantage to anyone whatsoever. Heck, it is one long slow moving train and so who cares about another vehicle or two joining in!

i-n-horz, Apr 10, 6:15am
I ride so not much bothers me and when I drive I'm still partially in ride mode so I'm more inclined to removing myself from a situation or avoid any emotional upset that may disrupt my concentration.because as you know a motorcyclist comes off second best 99.9% of the time when confronted heavily by other road users and their vehicles.

clark20, Apr 10, 6:56am
Except when they are jumping a queue , pull out at the back and expect to be let in at the front.

Also in a narrow street some people think their car is 4m wide, and leave you no space

whqqsh, Apr 10, 12:23pm
*changing lanes on a motorway for no reason when they had a clear lane in front anyway, usually happens when youre about to go past.
* indicating as they turn yet move over a bit (at least you get some warning if youre observant) & brake earlier than the indication.
* huge wide swings into sideroads or driveways blocking the road any chance of going past at a steady pace
*speeding up as you overtake. just because they can
*moving over to the clear lane at the lights then taking off slower than everyone else & blocking traffic that could have got a good run through.
*not inching forward that liiitle bit to allow the line of cars through waiting for the free turn (basic 'my little world' thinking & lack of consideration)

hatchback, Apr 10, 1:38pm
Loud Subaru's.but any other vehical with 6cyl's or more and Harley f**kin Davidsons are exempt from having baffles

fiatracer, Apr 10, 2:23pm
People who left foot brake in autos, and rest that left foot on the brake pedal!

People who have no idea what fog lights are, so just leave them on [the rears are BLINDING - and illegal to use except FOG!]

footplate1, Apr 10, 4:45pm
Drove Auckland to Wellington yesterday (on ferry, now) and po'd by people doing 70 to 80 in 90 limit area on SH 2 and. 80 to 90 in 100 km areas.And the idiots who try to pass one car too many on passing lanes and hit the double yellows.

tonyrockyhorror, Apr 10, 4:51pm
Yep, that selfish attitude really gets on my nerves.

tonyrockyhorror, Apr 10, 4:55pm
Mind you, I can understand it sometimes - so often you slow to create ample room and flash your headlights to let the vehicle in and the driver is staring the other way for no reason. WTF!

johnf_456, Apr 10, 4:57pm
Lol, so all vehicles with a tyres size of this are unsafe while you drive at probably 20km if not more above the speed limit! And doing skids everywhere!

johnf_456, Apr 10, 4:58pm
Yep, q jumpers will not be let in here.

toyboy3, Apr 10, 5:03pm
drivers who protest aboutthe cyclist hand on their 96 sunny while waiting at the lights, only to find the cyclist moves around and infront of the waiting car and when the lights change green the cyclist is extremely very slow to move off .

tonyrockyhorror, Apr 10, 5:08pm
Yeah, because it's fine for cyclists to rest their hands on the property of others simply because they wish to pose around the central suburbs which isn't conducive with being bound to the pedals, instead of getting on the back roads where they can't be readily seen and, at least in their minds, admired.

I like to rest my car's left front wheel on their rear wheel. They get all titchy about that. They should get over it.

houstonctrl, Apr 10, 5:08pm
On Tuesdays I think, the "older" folk come out to play in our town. Grrrr. 20km around town and slower if they intending to find a park. Pull out in front of you with no warning. Nice car, pity there are no indicators! And what's with going 80km or less in a 100km zone then SPEEDING UP for the passing lines! Yup. Some real doozies out there!

rainbow.umbrell, Apr 10, 5:18pm
People who go 80 in a 100km zone - fine, you don't like driving fast, then you reach a 80 zone, and slow down to 60. why!
And those people who brake for ages before a turn, then indicating at the last second.

johnf_456, Apr 10, 5:21pm
Tuesday is pension day I believe

nightboss, Apr 10, 6:06pm
People that seat their children in right rear seat when left seats are empty, they are getting in and out in the most dangerous position and exposing their children and themselves to unnecessary danger.