sure is a lot of nit pickers on here lol. i'm glad i live in a small town now instead of chch. terrible there, worse now.
May 31, 6:58pm
People who think that a private motorcar requires the same stopping distance as a 747.
People who don't indicate.
People on the motorway who don't understand that someone entering from an onramp needs to get up to speed before merging into the main lane, and speed up to stop them because they think the person is trying to "beat" them.
May 31, 7:15pm
I think it's because if travelling behind a van; vision is diminished, and trailers always look dangerous to me (like something is going to fall off or come undone), and quite often vans are diesel and so the stink of them is unbearable.
May 31, 7:46pm
drivers who dont look after car trailers. went along hiway1 a few months back and a tail door flew off a trailer came across the lane and hitmy utes front tyre went underneath out the back and hit a holden following me then a fortnight later it happend again. can these people not service there trailers. jezzonly takes two minutes to do a walk around.
Jun 5, 8:33pm
I now truly despise drivers who go considerably slower then the speed limit for no good reason. The worst experience was when my dog was having a status epilepticus seizure and I was trying to get her into the Vets as soon as possible for potentially live saving treatment when I got stuck behind same wanker who thought it was perfectly fine to go 80 in a 100.
Other annoyances are drivers who brake and slow right down before starting to indicate. Dirvers who go around round-abouts at 5km/hr; people who refuse to overtake a slow driver, which forces the cars behind to overtake multiple vehicles at once; people who pull into the flow of traffic and then refuse to accelerate, they could have just as easily waited a short while and pull out when the road is clear.One of the worst is drivers who speed up when its safe to overtake, and drivers like #68 who make it difficult for others to overtake at the end of the passing lane.
Jun 6, 8:10am
But cars running reds are ok and pose no threat to others!
Jun 6, 8:30am
If you are being overtaken on the left, you're the muppet for cruising in the passing lane. if the other drivers are signaling, maybe they are not so much overtaking as MERGING.
Jun 6, 5:06pm
Lazy assed School Bus drivers, who leave their School signs on permanently. And slackBus Companies who don`t instruct their drivers to remove signs when not transporting children.It is against the law.I got stopped for not slowing to 20 kph passing a bus with School Sign. I had to convince the cop that the same bus, is parked outside the driver`s home, every day from 9.30 am till 2.00 pm, and told him to visit and ticket the bus driver.he reluctantly checked it out and i didn`t get a would have been easier just to ticket me, but i told him, i wouldn`t be paying andwe would meet in court. The law clearly states.You must slow down to 20kph passing a School Bus STOPPED TO LET CHILDREN ON OR OFF from either direction.
Jun 6, 5:13pm
Of course not, its not okay full stop. But considering cyclist have no where near the same protection has a car driver does.
Jun 6, 5:20pm
why do you think people do this! The closest lane is free. All they have to do is turn in to the closest lane, drive up the road and merge in to the outside lane if for what ever weird reason they think that is the place they have to be. yet they sit there for ages waiting for both lanes to be free before driving across the closest lane to the centre/outisde lane and continue on their merry ignorant way. Does my head in some mornings. Any one know why this bizzare behaviour!
Jun 6, 5:38pm
Laziness because they have to turn sharper to get into the closest lane!
Jun 6, 5:42pm
too hard to turn the steering wheel!
Jun 6, 5:45pm
Who knows, some people just don't make sense. Just like cutting corners
Jun 6, 6:13pm
Only someone simple would say that.
Jun 6, 6:22pm
I reckon it's because they don't plan the track more than about 5m in front of the vehicle. So the head straight for the road they're turning into, not in a smooth arc to come into the lane tangentially - they go point-to-point. You watch them next time. they only turn just as they're about to enter the road.
Jun 6, 6:27pm
A distinct possibility.
Jun 6, 6:43pm
Perhaps do some research on what happens to the human body during a crash to a sudden stop at various speeds. Or are you a terminator that can survive anything!
Jun 6, 6:49pm
Perhaps do some reasearch on what happens to the human body when there's no crash in the first place.
Jun 7, 4:09am
i love the ones who speed through the new seal on the road with their hand pressed hard against the windscreen. perhaps if you weren't still doing 100 you wouldn't chip your glass.
Jun 8, 12:41am
Just drive straight at them, pretend you didn`t see them.
Jun 8, 6:18am
Sometimes cyclists abandon reason (as seen by car drivers) in favour of self preservation (for "reasons" of survival), partly precisely because of their vulnerability. Your next " logical" conclusion will be along the lines of "might makes right", i.e., because cars are more of a danger, they get to go how and when they want. Maybe cyclists need to respond by arming themselves.
Jun 8, 6:26am
Thats not what I am saying at all, yes cyclists have a high chance to be injured. But in my observation daily driving through rush hour in Auckland especially through city driving I constantly see more cyslists run reds over mechanically driven vehicles. Maybe its just me but I do a lot of driving so curious to what others notice with cyclists running reds!
Cyclists run reds, as they get away pretty well get away with it. Unless a policeman sees them do it they pretty much get off with a free pass.
Jun 8, 6:44am
It has always annoyed me when people turning right via a slip lane slow down in the main lane before turning right at the last second through the gap in the road markings.
Defeats the purpose of 50m of slip lane to get vehicles out of the main traffic lane before slowing down.
Jun 9, 12:21am
The same goes for slip lanes entering a main road.Glenda Drive here in Queenstown is a classic.Common to see muppets turn out into the slip lane and immediately stop and wait for a gap in the traffic, rather than accelerate and merge.
Jun 9, 12:33am
saw a good one today (& its common) 3 cars spread across the three lanes of the motoray all doing the same slow speed & holding everyone else up. One guy puts his foot down a bit so we follow him but he gets half a car length ahead, not quite enough to get around, then backs off to his old speed so although now staggered slightly still blocking the road
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