Ipsum, Estima or presage which one?

bloggs28, Apr 21, 4:45pm
Hiya, narrowed the family car to these 3 -Toyota Ipsum, and Estima and Nissan Presage.
Dont know much about Nissans, what do you rekon!
thanks for your input.

bloggs28, Apr 21, 4:55pm
Or Honda Odyssey!

intrade, Apr 21, 5:01pm
the ipsum.

kazbanz, Apr 21, 5:31pm
Hi Bloggs--Truth is you have picked IMO the best of the "people movers with those three.
Um --actually I'm assuming you mean late model versions.
Ipsum/estima-2001 or newer pressage 2003 or newer.
My honest opinion is you can't go wrong with any one of those three vehicles so it will come down to YOUR personal preferences.

kazbanz, Apr 21, 5:41pm
-If this helps
1) Ipsum -the smallest and most economicalof the three options -2.4l chain drive engine 7 seater -no real issues mechanically
-7 seater with normal car type doors -reasonable legroom for all passengers
2) estima -either the same engine as ipsum or 3.0l engine.-least economical of the three-USUALLY 8 seater. LOTS of room for all passengers and ok luggage room or good luggage room and less leg room for passengers.
Sliding rear doors means no kids bashing doors in carparks
The 2000/01 3.0l was known to eat its gearbox due to a weak component but once retrofitted with the upgraded part no issues.
3)Presage-In all honesty it pretty well is right in the middle of these two.-7/8 seater -sliding doors reasonable leg room 2.5 chain drive engine. No major mechanical faults except that many need new front shocks at/about 100k -$700 to do the job-worth checking if its been done already.sliding rear doors
I must say I had to make this decision a couple of months back and I felt bang for buck the pressage was the best bet for us

bloggs28, Apr 21, 5:41pm
have around $15,000 and under, seems like around 2004 for around that price.
Have had in the past Honda Odyssey and now Honda Stream which is to small for us now.
Estima look big on the inside for our 3 growing boys, but not too keen on the look of them.
That's why I was looking at Ipsum or Presage. Just getting really confused now.
Love the look of the Presage but just want a reliable car and guess I shouldn't worry about look aye!

kazbanz, Apr 21, 5:44pm
Pressage/ipsum -you wont go wrong with either.
I'd suggest you go to a dealer with both in stock so you can see for yourself what is the best fit for you.

kazbanz, Apr 21, 5:44pm
Pressage/ipsum -you wont go wrong with either.
I'd suggest you go to a dealer with both in stock so you can see for yourself what is the best fit for you. You don't have to buy from them but at least then you'll know what make/model you want

bloggs28, Apr 21, 6:13pm
Thanks for your help

bloggs28, Apr 21, 6:25pm
What you think about Honda Odyssey compared to Presage.
Have had 2 Hondas and never had much trouble with them, or am I just lucky lol
Are they about the same size inside!
Also is the newer shape of the Odyssey smaller inside than the old models as it looks more like a Honda stream.

phillip.weston, Apr 21, 7:18pm
Ipsum - eww.
Estima - eww.
Pressage - eww!

I would be looking at the newest Odyssey you could buy for $15k. Perhaps even a Territory or ex-lease Mazda CX-7 if one pops up cheap enough.

djazza, Apr 21, 8:52pm
Cx7 is only a 5 seater

kazbanz, Apr 21, 9:02pm
bloggs-the new odyssey is about the same size as the old one --just lower. The pressage is a bit bigger.-not a lot but a bit

extrayda, Apr 21, 11:21pm
For three growing boys I'd go with the Estima (but then I have one, so I am biased).Although it depends on whether you want to carry more than 5 people often - in fact if there are only two of you plus the 3 boys, why not buy a good size staion wagon instead!
I wouldn't buy a people mover at all unless you *need* one.I know they are super cool and very manly, but not everyone can cope with the attention you get everywhere you go ;-)

extrayda, Apr 21, 11:22pm
Also a consideration is the height of the driver - I'm 6'4", so that cuts into the leg room of the passenger behind me, unless I want to be crammed in under the steering wheel.