bear with me here cause im terrible at describing things, but recently the drivers side front window came out of the bracket and is now stuck halfway down. took the door panel off and found that theres a wee plastic part that connects to the bracket and slides back and forth as the window goes up and down which has come off. the bracket has a ball joint that connects with the bit that slides but was obviously put in with some force because for the life of me i cant pop it back in. have been trying with pliers but still no luck, anyone have any ideas on how to connect it! not exactly keen to have to pay someone to do it when i can see the problem and how to fix it. not sure whether to try file down the hip joint for the ball to fit in easier incase it becomes too loose and pops out everytime i open/shut the window
Apr 21, 7:15pm
put some lube on the ball and press like crazy .it will go in its supposed to be a really tight fit
Apr 21, 8:09pm
might be easier to take the whole regout.then try and force it back on.
Apr 23, 5:07am
No, you need to disconnect the window regulator and slide the plastic dupher into the slotted slide and reconnect it all up again.Though, check on cond of the slide and plastic dupher as if sufficiently damaged may pop out again.Usually these things happen due to a lack of lube.Slosh some grease into all the sliding contact areas.A paint brush can be useful to get into the hard to get at areas, also on the gears etc.Also may need to check glass runners on both sides for alignment and correct distance from glass.If too far away, can cause window to swing round a bit, get caught and cause damage.Likewise if runners are too close can cause binding and wear out felt etc.
Apr 23, 9:31am
Is this a VR/VS!While you have the door panel off take a look at the metal arms and make sure they aren't bent.I've had to replace a couple of window regs due to this and both on the drivers window (different cars).
Apr 26, 4:21am
yeah had a good look, talked to my mechanic to just to check my suspisions and as he put it, "its f*cked". the metal arm is bent so going to have to buy another regulator
Apr 26, 4:44am
Yes, but don't just fit a new one.Usually, there is a reason for something bending.Fix the cause.Likely to be lack of lube at important places, mis alignment etc causing binding.
Apr 26, 8:27am
I've found to be good to deal with for getting window regs and tail lights for VR/VS.The parts aren't OEM but have done the job fine at a reasonable price.
Apr 26, 5:50pm
Our VN window is jumping around a bit too. Nylon blocks are worn.
Apr 27, 9:45pm
to be honest im keen on a cheap fix, get all the niggles sorted then sell the thing. pretty much over the car, love commodores but this one is a definate lemon! seen a ute im gunna go take a look at
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