Rotary engine

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rotaboy86, Mar 11, 8:31pm visit & like! :)

ninja_man, Mar 11, 9:00pm
pointless thread

bellky, Mar 11, 9:23pm

hopie, Mar 11, 9:35pm
not going to happen

andrea_w, Mar 11, 9:45pm
OP - Give me 3 good reasons why I should. Take into account I'm not a fan of rotary engines.

bellky, Mar 11, 9:50pm
this is very sad

andrea_w, Mar 11, 9:53pm
I prefer up and down, not around in circles

bellky, Mar 11, 10:01pm
fair enough. ever owned a rotary!

icemans1, Mar 12, 2:33am
chicken cooker or kerosene can! you choose

perfectly.frank, Mar 12, 2:37am
I have no idea what you mean by your above post . icemans1 .

However . I have read lots of what you have written in other threads and forums . over the past several hours . so I feel like I know you .

magicmat, Mar 12, 2:51am
I like rotary engines for what they are, its just the douche bags who tend to drive them that puts me off. Though in saying that, I did have a couple of moments of insanity where I looked at the RX8 as a possible option. but I snapped out of that.

perfectly.frank, Mar 12, 3:14am
I think it is just so great . that you appreciate rotary engines . for what they are . magicmat aka flyingcarpet aka eminem . becos until I saw that tattoo a few months ago . I had never ever heard the term "Rotary Engine" . let alone . know what it looked like . but . I do now . .

magicmat, Mar 12, 3:25am
I. don't quite know how to take that.

jmma, Mar 12, 3:30am
Its called a wankel(o:

perfectly.frank, Mar 12, 3:33am
There was absolutely no hidden agenda . nor . meaning . within my above post . magicmat .

Just take what I said . exactly how it was written by me . in a very literal . black and white way .

perfectly.frank, Mar 12, 3:47am
What is . "a wankel" . jmma ! .

I read the term . for the first time . either in the Trade Me Community Message Bored Rooms . or . in a different website motoring forum thingee . just a few very short hours ago .

It would have related to . one of my few tee.emm friends . in some way or another . though .

un_known, Mar 12, 4:26am
damn it, sarcasm is lost on the internet, cant tell whether your taking piss or not frank.I'm pretty sure every car guy, knows what a "rotary" is and what the rotor looks like whether they like them or not.

and for the record its a wankel

this is a rotary!v=8kDEsKDTQWY

r15, Mar 12, 5:56am
i cannot understand all of the above. the technical terms are fine, the rest just makes no sense

icemans1, Mar 12, 6:19am

bellky, Mar 12, 4:15pm
hi frankie - nice to see you here :-) yeh i live in omaha flats.
"My Dad used to be a Rotary Club Member. Te Aroha Rotary Club . and how much "Man-Love and Laughter" there was . in that old cold dingy unnattractive "Dinner Venue" lol

perfectly.frank, Mar 12, 9:15pm
Hey bellsky-bubs ! .

Yeah . thought I would take "a bit of a walk on the wild side" . over here . in . "Man-Land" .

You guys are pretty funny . as in . "ha-ha" . as opposed to . "strange" . and you have all been very helpful and informative as well . which makes a really great change from being hen-pecked and driven crazy . by a bunch of old biddies . over in the "Disgustin Bored Room" .

Edited to Read:-"Discussion Board Room" .

hopie, Mar 12, 9:28pm
At least your sensible enough to stay away from parenting

perfectly.frank, Mar 12, 9:41pm
Lets not be too hasty in placing "The Crown of Sensibility" upon my head .

Will be back in a bit . ho.pie .

. per.fuct races over . to check the Parenting Forum out for the first time . becos she has so many "Words of Wisdom" and "Nuggets of Knowledge" to offer other parents . since per.fuct has done such a fantabulous job of raising her own children .

outbidyou2, Mar 12, 9:58pm
this guys quite funny, as in haha, as opposed to strange

bitsy_boffin, Mar 12, 10:04pm

Just in case. Rotary in this context is short for Wankel Rotary Engine, Felix Wankel being the guy who came up with the idea in the first place.