There's nothing more frustrating when calling in to a servo to get some diesel than seeing the ONLY diesel pumps being used by people who are filling up with PETROL, while several PETROL ONLY pumps sit there not being used. A lot of places, especially MOBIL outlets, only have one stand (= two pumps) for diesel out of the whole line up. You can be sure that when you need one, someone's getting petrol.
Apr 24, 3:39am
Totally agree.ignorant plebs
Apr 24, 3:45am
Happens to me all the time, 2 deisel at local mobil, and 8 petrol, then they look funny at you when you que behind them, plonkers.
Apr 24, 3:54am
Hahaha a mate of mine had the exact same complaint when he owned a diesel! .and unlike most, I do actually think ahead and fill up from the petrol only pumps, unless they are all taken then I use one that's diesel/petrol.
Apr 24, 4:09am
I hate trying to make a 'quick stop' & having to wait behind queues of ppl buying everything else that a dairy & supermarket cant possibly supply. oh & petrol. things like smokes, triple shot mochachino trim soy latte, tampons, pies (gourmet now not just a big ben maggot-pack), dishwashing liquid, cat food etc etc etc
Apr 24, 4:13am
Yeh, be a bloody shame if the SIGNS WEREN'T BIGGER!
Apr 24, 4:19am
Talking about petrol, I just manged to get $165 in the Dore, new high score! Shell 95.
Apr 24, 6:19am
Gull pay at the pump is usually a few cents a litre cheaper. may have gotten a with 160 lol. Ive got the same with the 'coon, when I first got it I could just fit $100 of 91 in, now the same just makes 3/4. Im not even going to try their 98 blend
Apr 24, 7:58am
I try to use first pump to become free.if it happens to be the diesel one stiff bad luck to the diesel users.
Apr 24, 8:12am
Ouch. Squeezed in $115 of 98 into the MR2 before Easter. Worked out it would have been cheaper to fly back home and back and get a taxi to and from the Airport.
Apr 24, 9:09am
Yip dose damn fuel tanks are gettn BIGGER-well takes more coin ta fill em-SHEESH
Apr 24, 2:09pm
Well, I have to admit I have never given it a moments thought, probably because I have never owned a diesel vehicle, therefore have never noticed that there are fewer diesel pumps than petrol. This is news to me.I will try to be more considerate from now on, OK!
Apr 24, 3:37pm
I stop at the firstavailable bowser where I can fill the tank without the hose being draped across the car
Apr 24, 3:45pm
So what you are saying is that petrol vehicle users should line up and waitwhen a pump with petrol at the bowser is available! Or do you have such magical esp that you can tell EXACTLY what was happening in the station when they pulled in to fill up. Before blurting out with a big ol whinge why doncha think this through! The "normal" location of the diesel pump is the furtherest from the shop. People normally take the line of least resistance-ie they go to the pumps nearest the shop and then fill the stationoutwards from there. So the only reason someone is gonna use "your" pump is when every other pump is being used. If you beat them to the pump they would have had to wait for the next available pump.
Apr 24, 3:51pm
Nah don't worry about it. It is dirty smelly stuff and needs to be banned.:-)
Apr 24, 4:27pm
I actually try to avoid the diesel dispensers., because as the above poster says it is dirty smelly stuff. and the dispensers are usually covered in it.
Apr 24, 4:55pm
One local Shell, sorry, Z, station has a totally separate bay for diesel.Works well as very rarely is there a queue.
At busy times, how many of you fill up, then pull forwards and park before paying, so that the next person in the line can at least park alongside the pump even if they have to wait until you have paid before they can fill!
Apr 24, 5:10pm
If this is your biggest gripe in life then maybe you should just get over it.
Apr 24, 5:11pm
Well, here's the thing.One day a while ago I did just that - moved the car because it was busy, and also someone else had gone into the shop to pay.The place went ape s*** because the servo staff thought I was trying to do a runner - told me off for trying to be considerate and said it was better to block the pump and slow the station down. So now I don't do it.A few days ago I filled up and my wife went in to pay and I just sat there in the driver's seat.A couple of minutes later a crazy woman behind me came up to my window and started bleating at me about blocking the pump and why didn't I move!
Can't F******* win.
Apr 24, 5:17pm
last time i did this they thought i was doing a runner, so no i dont do it. most the places where i live now dont have enough room to do it anyway
Apr 24, 7:02pm
What p's me with the pumps is you can only type in up to $99. what if I want $130 worth but not the full tank at $160. Have to stand there and wait cos I don't trust the young attendant not to over fill onto the paint work or he/she might try to clean my window with the dirty window cleaning brush that some prick has used to wash the petrol off there paint work that the pimpled faced pump filler has gotten over their paint work. grrr!
Apr 24, 7:31pm
You mean well but with the amount of drive offs today, I wouldn't attract attention to yourself. My friend did that and they came out going ballistic because they thought he was going to do a runner.
Apr 24, 7:37pm
no prob down south with pulling forward to let the next person in!
Apr 24, 7:47pm
Yeah, we get a lot of drive offs up here and have a lot of prepay gas station which are non existent the further you go south. Luckily my local is not prepay which is very handy
Apr 24, 7:55pm
Lol yea prepay. Was up north just after Christmas and wondered the pump would not work till the loud speaker told me to pay first. Like how do you fill your car like that cos you dont know how much it needs
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