What oil should I be running in the 351?

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jason18, Apr 25, 10:17pm
Thanks.Sump gasket leak means I need to top up.


jasongroves, Apr 25, 11:18pm
Any good quality 15w40 would be my pick.
0w40 and 10w40 are also recommended but may be a bit thin if its leaking.

jason18, Apr 25, 11:49pm
Yeah Will get leak fixed in next couple of weeks after my work has died down. Cheers :D

kingfisher21, Apr 26, 12:48am
Castrol Edge 25W 50, the others mentioned are way to low viscosity. Edge still has the necessary zinc content for old school engines as well.

unbeatabull, Apr 26, 1:02am

kingfisher21, Apr 26, 1:12am
The recommended oil is Castrol GTX which is 20W 50, if it's a good engine use Edge.


lookoutas, Apr 26, 1:17am
I'm with kingfisher. Sorry - 21.
15 is forlate model crap. Real engines need at least 20.

jasongroves, Apr 26, 1:19am
Also recommended is Castrol GTX Modern Engine 15W-40, as is Fuchs Titan 20w50 and MOBIL 1 0W-40, MOBIL SUPER 1000 X2 15W-40 and MOBIL SUPER 2000 X2 10W-40. Its all dependent where you look for recommendations.
Castrol Edge 25W 50 is probably a good recommendation while its leaking, but for when its fixed, 15w-40 would be fine.

jasongroves, Apr 26, 1:23am
Most late model stuff would use a lower viscosity than 15.
'Real engines need at least 20'.why!

unbeatabull, Apr 26, 1:31am
I can tell you now that from factory and still to this day we put 15w40 in them. Newer V8's use 0w40 or 5w30 depending on year/model of engine, with anything from about BA back onto 15w40.

extrayda, Apr 26, 2:11am
I always ran 20/50 in my v8s (350 chev, 383 chev, 351 cleve, 302 cleve, 460 lima, 308). It was what was recommended by the rebuilders. May be out of date with modern oils though.

jason18, Apr 26, 2:36am
I have some 20w50 in my garage. So will fill with that until fixed

extrayda, Apr 26, 3:36am
Might just be me, but unless that is recent 20/50 and of a decent brand I wouldn't bother to re-use it.How bad is the sump leak! (how much oil does it need at the moment).Why not just fix that, then give it an oil & filter change at the same time!

extrayda, Apr 26, 3:38am
Liking the Falcon BTW ! A bit jealous, I had one with a 460 years ago (I think it was a better car with the smallblock in it in a lot of ways though).351C is one of my favourite engines, and they sound good too.

xpfairmont, Apr 26, 4:05am

kingfisher21, Apr 26, 4:36am
20W 50 or 25W 50 FFS, we are talking an old school engine here with pushrods and hydraulic lifters and a single cam, some here are too young to even know what they are I think. Mobil 1! bugger that, you need the correct oil with the zinc content, or you'll suffer the wear consequences.

extrayda, Apr 26, 4:42am
pffft hydraulic lifters. solids are more fun :-)
I still reckon old school V8's are the best, so little to go wrong.

johnf_456, Apr 26, 4:44am
I'd go 20w/ 50 until the oil leak is fixed.

johnf_456, Apr 26, 4:44am
I'd go 20w/ 50 until the oil leak is fixed. Just like I am doing in my 350 chev until the engine has been rebuilt and all seals etc replaced.

lookoutas, Apr 27, 12:16am
Just read on from your post #9.
Particularly the middle sentence in #11

mapman, Apr 27, 1:31am
It wouldn??

bellky, Apr 27, 4:09pm
I read somewhere the sump plug is held in with bog.

jason18, Apr 27, 5:05pm
Yeah the sump has been mashed on the ground and has been bashed around.the sump plug has been boogied up. I posted a thread on oldschool and the guy that sold it to me had an uncle on there that bagged the crap out of the car saying its full of bog etc.Its not its very very good body on it. Im getting new sump pan and gasket and then doing it all properly. Will fit a plate to protect the sump.

bellky, Apr 27, 5:11pm
This is good to hear jason18 - was worried about that. Cheers.

jason18, Apr 27, 5:14pm
Yeah same here. I looked over car and its just a bad paint job.Sure there is bog here and there but i can see in behind that its solid metal under there.Has all the factory seams on it! He pm'd me later on and story has changed alot. Him and his nephew arent very close to say the least but lets not go into detail! The sump looks like it has been dragged along a rocky beach ahha its rooted and plug has been badly pushed around!