ABS in my 1994 Mazda is kaput

tinzaroo, Apr 26, 7:45pm
Hey guys, any ideas on a ballpark figure for me to get the ABS fixed in my old 1994 Mazda Astina! I mean, is it likely to be hundreds, or will I be looking at a lot more than that! Just tossing up whether or not to get a new car, or if it will be worth getting if fixed. TIA for your comments.

a.woodrow, Apr 26, 7:45pm
What is wrong with it! Need more info

tinzaroo, Apr 26, 7:48pm
Sorry, all I know is that the light is constantly on since my last WOF. At my last WOF, the mechanic did ask me if the brakes seemed all good, and at that point they did. So something has gone a bit awry since then. Sorry I don't have much info to give you. I was just wondering if the ABS is the type of thing that will set you back heaps, or if it's just a small thing. If it's going to cost me thousands then I'll ditch this car and buy a new one.

a.woodrow, Apr 26, 7:52pm
Well it could be minor or major. Sometimes resetting can fix the problem <$100, sometimes need a whole new unit=$$$$$$. Best thing would be take it to a garage or auto sparky for diagnosis. They should be able to give you a quote to fix and you can decide from there

tinzaroo, Apr 26, 7:53pm
Thanks a.woodrow, I thought it might be one of those things that can go each way in the $$$ stakes! I will take it to my mechanic dude and see what he says. Thanks for your comments, appreciated :o)

a.woodrow, Apr 26, 7:55pm
No worries, if you come back with the work required and an estimate to fix, we can give you an idea of whether the cost is reasonable or not, if you think you are being taken for a ride

kazbanz, Apr 26, 8:05pm
OP-THANK YOU for namint the make/model of your car (seriously)
A quick overview for ya--ABSis a main pump/"computer" then 4 speed sensors-one on each wheel.
The most common fault is dirt in a speed sensor or a break in a wirre to a wheel. the fix could be$100-$300 for something that simple.
Or the pump/"computer" could have died. In that case a used part will be around $300then a couple of hours labour.

tinzaroo, Apr 26, 8:10pm
Thanks you guys . you are all fabulous! I'll definitely ask my mechanic dude to give me a quote. Even though the car is pretty old it has never let me down and seems otherwise pretty sound, and it's only done about 150,000km which is not really that much considering it's age. It may be a good idea to fix it up and save myself the $$$ that I would spend on a new car :o) Plus I could use that $$$ to get my house painted :o)

bae13, Apr 27, 4:25am
check the relays behind the passengers headlight, need to take the light out from memory, have seen these full of water

tinzaroo, May 10, 10:58pm
Hi guys, thought I would come back with an update on this in case anyone is interested. Took the car to my usual mechanic, he did a scan on it using his computer thing, and the ABS unit itself seemed to be ok with no errors. So he reset the ABS, gave me the car back to drive for a week, and said come back and we will test it again. So I did that, and the light stayed off for the entire week so after he had tested it again (with no errors again) he was happy to issue me a WOF and was satisfied that the ABS was working okay. The car also had a full service and is definitely driving better now! So am gonna keep it for a bit longer anyways. However, if the ABS light comes on again I'll take it back and will decide what to do from there. Thanks everyone who commented :o)

tonyrockyhorror, May 10, 11:04pm
Good of you to pop back in - so many people lack such simple courtesy these days.

a.woodrow, May 11, 3:11am
+2 alway nice to hear a result