How much would it cost for a cambelt change in a 04 subaru legacy turbo!
Apr 28, 5:45pm
Cheers! Do they take whole engine out then install or can they do it with engine in!
Apr 28, 5:54pm
Done with engine in
Apr 28, 6:05pm
We had our 2001 WRX sti done about 2 years ago , cost was $600 , belt , tensioner , pump.
Apr 28, 6:09pm
doubt it was done right poster 5 they probably skipped oil seals there is 12 parts that i fitted on a normal subaru. oil seal crankshaft and 2 cam seals not all parts are on the link above only shows 1 seal on there . Just get it all done then you got peace of minde for longer again. and yes engine stays but radiator and aircondition condensor have to be lifted up unless they got special crank tools My rattler gun just fitted in after i lifted the condensor.
Apr 28, 8:15pm
$1000-$1500 to do the job right$600 just for cambelt and 1 tensioner
Apr 28, 9:04pm
What a rip off.
Apr 30, 6:15pm
hi i just went to subaru dealer 1500 all parts repalced and diff oils and gearbox flush and all garanted spend the money
May 1, 12:49am
I used to work for a subaru dealer.Last weekend did the same type of car at home.Owner supplied all the parts and I supplied the labour.I replaced the belt, all the idlers and tensioner, all oil seals, the water pump and removed the oilpump to replace the oil pump o-ring (the cause of those nasty oil leaks).I charged $250 for my time and the owner was wrapped. There are always mechanics out there to earn some beer money in their spare time but I recommend on a job like this, get one with experience in the type of vehicle.
May 1, 12:58am
You can come and work on my subies then
May 1, 1:29am
Bring them to me Kazbanz.Took me 5 hours on a saturday.Works out double my hourly rate as a franchise mechanic but less than 1/2 the charge out at my work.Win / win really
May 1, 2:36am
How much indemnity insurance do you have!
May 1, 3:01am
cost me 800 at wingers about 2yrs ago on my 99 b4
May 1, 3:36am
Are you for real!Do you go around the farmers markets on a sunday saying "do you have imdemnity you have a health you have a.! Get a life mate.If you want to pay for the same technicaian to do a job for 3 time the cost go for it! Notice you sell ammunition for firearms.Do you do a firearms licence check!A police criminal check!
May 1, 3:43am
You're all good mate, theres some tools on here, fitting really aye.
May 1, 4:09am
Or the juicer you sold .what if a kid puts hands in there! LOL
May 1, 4:12am
Not being a smarty but if your employer (franchise / Subaru cant be too many in the Waikato) got wind of your cashies they could / would end your working career with them & blacklist you to other such dealerships - might be better to not advertise on the world wide web - happened to a bloke I knew at a Euro dealer in the mainland - didnt end well actually. All they needed was a 1st name from the interweb to put two & two together
May 1, 4:46am
Of course I did a check dumbass. Its required by law and the three guys I sold to all knew this and presented licences without me needing to ask.
Its a simple question, do you have indemnity insurance or not! I'm not going to ask a guy on the side of the road selling apples for 2 bucks a bag for a health certificate, but if I'm going to hand over my livelihood to someone to do work on for me it would be nice to know that _they_ have the forethought _themselves_ to take appropriate steps on my behalf.
May 1, 5:08am
What happens if there is a failure of a component after fitting! First thing the parts supplier will ask for is a copy of the installation invoice. Will you cover all the costs!
May 1, 1:52pm
Good points guys.Sorry for trying to help some people and get ahead.Notice i said I USED to work for a dealer.I hope everyone who gives advice on this forum has indemnity insurance to protect the fragile contributors here.
May 1, 2:37pm
go stick it right up emelshaun! some of these contributors have been brain washed with this osh/ food safety athoritory crap you'll need all the right documents to take a dump soon.
May 1, 3:35pm
What they are getting at is that some of the extra expense for having a workshop complete the work, is the extra costs related to having to warranty your work (and many customers seem to think that the warranty lasts for years and not just the parts of the vehicle that was worked on).The majority of the time there is no need for redoing repairs but it only takes one stuff up that results in a shagged motor and workshops are expected to put the problem right at their cost.Thats why we spent thousands of dollars on indemnity insurances etc.
I appreciate that most backyarders are more that happy to undercut workshops as cashies but I have also had to repair some of the stuff ups they have made and then refused to put right.The vehicle owner needs to appreciate that they are not going to have a guaranteed repair from a backyarder in many cases.
May 1, 3:50pm
ive done 2 subaru cam belts for mates, both time I got them to purchase the parts and made it known that I guarantee my work, but not the parts, or any damage the parts might cause if they fail. I had the same deal when another made did the cam bellt in one of my cars
May 1, 4:48pm
How do you guarantee your work! If you damage the seal when you fit it, does that fit under a part guarantee or yours! If the idler bearing on the tensioner assembly fails is that a part issue, or a fitment issue!
May 1, 5:52pm
Woa dude chill- Its hard to make your tone heard when on the net. Foxies point was valid.Ie you don't have rent/power/phone insurance to pay and if something breaks theres no liability.--hey thats coolbut a normal workshop has to stand behind their work
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