Fault with Toyato Hilux 2007- engine rattle

fish82, Apr 30, 3:40am
Hey does anyone have a problem with their Toyota Hilux 2007,motor rattling under load when cold also rough idle when cold, have to travel 25 km to stop gear lever from rattling.

a.woodrow, Apr 30, 3:43am
The gear lever is rattling because the rubber that mounts it is flogged out. I bet it feels a bit loose when you wiggle it around!

The rattle is most likely injector noise, has it been to a dealer for reprogram/new injectors!

rob_man, Apr 30, 3:44am
Is that the injector problem I've heard about! Apparently there's a fix that involves re-mapping the EFI, it's been mentioned on here before.

franc123, Apr 30, 3:46am
Yep, I think that involves a software upgrade, see a Toyota agent

a.woodrow, Apr 30, 3:46am
The re-map doesn't do a lot, will only marginally quieten it down.

rob_man, Apr 30, 3:49am
Did they sort it out in the later utes!

a.woodrow, Apr 30, 3:53am
Yeah I guess, they fitted different injectors.

It was an embarrassing time to be working for toyota.

fish82, Apr 30, 3:59am
Thanks for that, Toyota are very reluctant to do anything about it, I have been arguing with them for the last three years over, will try again and keep you posted.


zooki007, Apr 30, 3:59am
Yes the injectors are more than likely needing to be replaced. However, get your local dealer to do matrix test to see which ones are faulty and then pressure them to replace all injectors under a goodwill claim (if vehicle is out of warranty).
Intialising the injector pump may help for now, as will updating the ECU with the latest programme.
Out of interest, when were the injector seats replaced! They need to be done every 45k's.

fish82, Apr 30, 4:05am
Hey there, they have been done when they replaced the latest injectors, about 10,000km ago. Not too sure if they updated the ECU or not however, will ask next time.Cheers for your help

a.woodrow, Apr 30, 4:07am
Yeah once they are out of warranty it gets harder. some tips:

1. Be nice and friendly to the dealership, they aren't the ones that deny your claim so don't take out your frustration on them. TNZ would quite often ring the dealership for these kind of claims, and if you've been nice to the dealer they are more likely to go in to bat for you.

2. Virtually every hilux of that model had the injector issues. Ring the TNZ customer care line, push your case. It's a known fault, don't let them tell you otherwise.

3. It's very hard to get goodwill if you aren't the original owner or if servicing hasn't been done through a toyota dealer. Tell them how this may influence your future toyota purchases.

4. Be prepared that they may only go 50% goodwill or similar. Hopefully you'll get better though

intrade, Apr 30, 4:16am
sell the poo and buy a amarok tdi.
also you be having worn out injectors if you dont run a additive to bring the lubrication factor of diesel back up what it was before ulsd diesel.

mugenb20b, Apr 30, 4:18am
Replace injector seat washers. Need to be done every 45 000kms. Apperently they sorted out the problems from '06 onwards, but not from what I've seen.

mugenb20b, Apr 30, 4:19am
Amarok is a crock of shit. Hilux is a better truck, Mazda BT50 and Ford Ranger is even better.

a.woodrow, Apr 30, 4:21am
Nah they didn't really sort out till they changed injectors, was well after 06, but I'm not sure off the top of my head when. maybe late 08.

mugenb20b, Apr 30, 4:24am
Yeah, could be, I can't remember to be honest. I think they used different kind of washers from a certain year onwards. Gadgit knows more about these issues.

a.woodrow, Apr 30, 4:29am
Yeah a new type of washer when they replaced injectors, but it was a running fix, think it took them a while to implement into production line. Actually truth be told I think they were waiting to see if they had fixed the problem before they changed production. The hilux only really presented excessive noise in colder climates, so perhaps they were waiting to see if it had to be a worldwide change or just to those areas with affected trucks

gadgit3, Apr 30, 10:51pm
There are 4 revisions of injector and 3 revisions of washer the current seat washer has been in place since 09.
Driving 25kms till it stops shaking the gear stick. well the ECU will only change the feed back value at idle and it takes 10-15sec so I think you will find once the engine temp is up and you let the engine idle for a bit the shake will go away alot quicker.
A little bit of rattle on a cold morning (within reason) would be normal
But the shake in the morning is a failing injector.
There is an insentive program going on at the mo and if it requires injector repairs it should only cost $1200 insted of $4500. if you talk to the right people. I see you are only 45mis away.

serf407, May 1, 4:57am
What oil has been put in the engine ! Some oil brands make the engine rattle for longer than others.
Have you been using injector cleaner diesel additive regularly !
Hopefully the Marsden Point upgrade will sort a few issues, 1960s oil refinery technology for 2005 onwards vehicle cr engines.

andrew241, May 1, 2:21pm
Its real easy to get toyota to fixthem ,we have had the same problems with a V8 landcruiser.What you do is you turn up at your Toyota dealer with a big sign on the back of your ute that reads Dont Buy A Toyota and lock it up outside the dealership.This is what I did after 2.5 years of being fed lies.The ute was fixed In less than 4 days. (8 injectors) and now runs better than ever.I have photos and are happy to lend out the sign.Thanks Rotorua Toyota.

gadgit3, May 1, 2:31pm
Lol really thats a crack up.
It's not really the dealers fault in some cases as TNZ push hard and if it's found to be contanimation in the fuel that has caused the fault then the dealer is lumped with the cost of the job. So claming warranty on first sight is not a straight forward job. But good dignosis will sort the issue in a day in most cases.

andrew241, May 1, 2:36pm
Yeah we changed filters at half serivce intervals put plenty of toyota injector cleaner though it.Told them as soon as the problem started.Knocked at first then after another 10 to20000km started black smoking.Ute was going to shop every 3 weeks for months.

intrade, May 1, 3:05pm
i tell you a wee story yes marsdenpoint fuel is crap, but farmers in europe need tractors with efi pumps because of emission rules. There was tractors with stuffed japanese injector components waiting for months and months for parts non available to repair the problem. japan always made inferior diesel. since 1988 they just slip slop and slapped on to old engines this and that crap and changed a cilinder head-designthat was good for example to some crap so they could cheap addon more crap. Volkswagen for example invested in diesel technology research and development years and years the mk1 golf for example alredy had a prototype engine in the 1970s of the tdi direct injection that came in production in 1991 with the first audi tdi. they also hold the world record for lowest fuelconsumption on production car vw lupo tdi 2.99L to 100km they now made the 1 liter prototype diesel. They are 30 years ahead from japan. And japan should go back to what they used to do ,,Steal others technology but this time they wont be able to make it better.
Even mitsubishi maybe has seen the light and uses citroen diesel, suzuki use fiat and renault peugeot-diesel . Its why you can be rather sure aamarok will be superior then some poo japa-diesel. Gearbox is manual only for european as they sell 90% manual cars in europe or used to so there would be lack of r&D on that

injector_seal_le, May 2, 8:43pm
Your problem could be Injector seal leak=Oil Pickup block=engine failure D4D

Toyota campaign 1KET-015 D4D including Hilux



Reading many posts regarding D4D Injector Seal Washer leaks, Leading to Combustion leakage into Lubrication system, Oil Contamination, Oil Pickup Strainer blockage, Engine Oil starvation and ultimate engine failure, this one covers our VINS lso and covers common issues with our own Hilux vehicles

Many D4D owners downunder should be aware that Toyota NZ recommends Injector seals & o-rings be replaced at 45,000 KLM intervals, many similar issues have been reported in NZ also.

Looks like MR T is doing the right thing OS with its customers in dealing with this and related problems on Hilux & Prado elsewhere

Look forward to a similar response with loyal customers in Australia & New Zealand.