Question that i need answer for

appelz, Apr 29, 1:58am
doz anyone know where to locate a diff for a mazda e2000 SWB 2.0 M5 van or wetherthis can be interchanged with another diff from like a mizty or toyota or similar

grangies, Apr 29, 2:04am
What model and year make is it.

They are also called Mazda Bongo and Ford Econovan.

grangies, Apr 29, 2:04am

appelz, Apr 29, 2:16am
1998 Mazda E200 SWB 2.0 M5

grangies, Apr 29, 2:28am
OK . I'm not being nasty here, so don't take this the wrong way.

But. In your first post you ask whether a Mitsi or Toyota part may be compatible.

The answer is it wont. They are completely different vehicles built in direct competition to your Mazda Van.

So. If you do manage to buy the right diff for your vehicle. What are you going to do with it!. Considering you never even new the difference between Mazda, Mitsi and Toyota.

Why not take it to a mechanic shop and let them sort it out for you!

michelle322, Apr 29, 2:52am
May not becompletelydifferent between a Mazda,Nissan,Mitz,as some were rebadged.Have a Nissan badged Mazda in the drive way.

appelz, Apr 29, 2:54am
I wont take it the wrong way all i wanted to know was what i asked and beig a female well i know nothing about the mechanical side of any of this that is why i asked on trademe as i knew that there would be people with the knowledge and i have been to a mechanic but his quote was a litle over the top

vtecintegra, Apr 29, 2:55am
Yeah both Mazda and Mitsubishi rebadged that model for the Japanese market.

You need to be careful you get the correct model though, both Nissan and Mitsubishi also made their own, completely unrelated van designs.

appelz, Apr 29, 3:00am
Thanks for that info ihave looked and have found useful info so thanks again